Rijst met garnalen en Chinese kool voor 4 personen

Rice with Chinese cabbage and shrimp for 4 people

Preparation & Ingredients

Nutritional value
: this recipe contains 32 grams of protein, 647 kcal per person, 24 grams of fat and 75 grams of carbohydrate or protein, 34 and% fat And 20% And 46% carbohydrates. This recipe contains 6 and% saturat
ed fat.This is a sensible dinner because a responsible dinner contains up to 750 kcal. People who watch their weight are recommended to choose for responsible meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

.This meal has a GI number of around 49 is therefore suitable for diabetics. Diabetics are recommended meals with a low GI number to eat because they do less strongly fluctuating blood sugar le
vels.Meals with a low GI number meals with a GI number of 55 or below. Meals with a low GI number give a longer satiety (so less at different times during the day) than meals with a high GI number (70 or higher).

This meal contains shrimp 300 grams cholesterol and is therefore not suitable for people with high cholesterol. People with high cholesterol is recommended up to 200 grams of cholesterol per day to
eat.High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease.In shri
mp are much cholesterol but also a lot of vitamin B12.

This meal covers thanks to the shrimp the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12 by 7 days and is therefore suitable for the elderly because vitamin B12 deficiency is common in the el
derly for.Vitamin B12 is not found in herbal products.

In combination with
: this meal coupled with 1 serving (40 grams) breakfast product Brinta, 4 slices of whole wheat bread, 25 grams of dried pears and 2 bananas supplies 26 grams of fiber on. 25-30 grams of fiber a day lowers the chances of getting heart disease, colon cancer and obesity.Whole wheat
bread and dried fruits are high in fiber.Fiber-rich
products (at least 1.3 grams of fiber per 100 kcal) give a longer satiety and therefore less at different times throughout the day.

This meal in combination with 4 glasses (600 ml) buttermilk or with 4 glasses (600 ml) semi-skimmed milk covers the recommended daily intake of 1000 mg. calcium 100
0 mg of calcium a day in combination with enough vitamin D (5-30 micrograms) is necessary for the maintenance of strong bones. Chinese cabbage contains a lot of calcium and is therefore a good alternative to milk and dairy produc

ts.Replaced by t
he following: by 400 grams of white to replace 400 grams rice basmati rice drops the GI number from 49 to 31.

By 500 grams to replace 500 gram salmon shrimp meal per person covers the recommended daily amount of EPA and DHA from 5 days and the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12 by 1 day. This replacement supplies per person also 10 micrograms of vi
tamin d. by 500 grams to replace 500 gram salmon shrimp delivers the meal per person only 100 grams of cholesterol on.