Antenatal care and institutional delivery increase exclusive breastfeeding practices in Ethiopia

Despite the World Health Organization recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first six months of life, the rate remains low both in developed and developing countries. In Ethiopia, findings regarding the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding have been highly variable. Antenatal care and institutional delivery are the most important factors contributing to the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. However, their effect has not been investigated in Ethiopia. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

Higher intakes of fruit and vegetables improve immune function

Inflammation is associated with an increased risk of a range of chronic diseases. A diet high in fruit and vegetables may help to reduce inflammation, as fruit and vegetables are rich sources of antioxidants and other biologically active substances, which may improve immune function. Therefore, this meta-analysis (systematic review) has been conducted.

Does fruit or vegetables intake reduce inflammation and improve immune function?


Scientific studies  (review articles) on the relationship between vaccination and ending poverty in developing countries:
One swallow does not make a summer. A famous Dutch saying that could not be any more obvious. Just because one single scientific study about a certain topic makes certain claims, it does not necessarily mean it is true. On the other hand, a review article (a collection of scientific studies on a certain topic) of randomized, placebo-controlled double blind clinical trials (RCTs) will answer the following question:

Ginger intake reduces body weight and fasting glucose among overweight and obese subjects

What are the effects of ginger intake on weight loss, glycemic control and lipid profiles among overweight (BMI>25) and obese (BMI>30) subjects?

Study design:
This review article included 14 RCTs with in total of 473 subjects.

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found that supplementation with ginger significantly decreased among overweight (BMI>25) and obese (BMI>30) subjects:
-body weight (BW) [SMD -0.66, 95% CI = -1.31 to -0.01, p = 0.04];

100 IU vitamin D/d increase serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with 1.0 nmol/L in children 2-18 y of age

Meta-analyses on the effect of vitamin D intake on status in children are lacking, especially those focused on vitamin D-fortified foods. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

What is the effect of vitamin D interventions (fortified foods, supplements, bolus injections) on vitamin D status in children 2-18 y of age?

Study design: