Unhealthy meals

Unhealthy meals are meals that should preferably not be eaten daily. However, unhealthy meals can always be part of a healthy daily diet; as long a correction is made through the next meal/product in order to compensate for the unhealthy part of the previous meal.
A healthy daily diet is not a diet with only healthy meals/products. Rather, it is a diet that is largely made up of healthy meals/products; with a small part of unhealthy meals/products. Practically, this means that all meals/products that you eat on a daily basis should on average be healthy (a maximum of 35 En% fat, of which a maximum of 10 En% saturated fat and a minimum of 1.3 grams fiber per 100 kcal).

Unhealthy meals are meals with:
-minimum 35 En% fat
-minimum 10 En% saturated fat
-maximum 1.3 grams fiber per 100 kcal
-minimum 0.3 grams salt per 100 kcal

  • A responsible breakfast contains up to 350 kcal.
  • A responsible lunch contains up to 450 kcal
  • A responsible evening meal contains up to 750 kcal.
  • The minimum daily energy requirement is 1400-1700 kcal, or the required kcal to maintain the rest metabolic rate (RMR). The rest metabolic rate should maintain during the weight loss program.

The recipes:
The words "this recipe" or "this meal" under the heading nutritional values always refers to a meal for 1 person.