25(OH)D concentration increases by 2 nmol/L for every 100 IU vitamin D in adult


Can vitamin D-fortified products be a suitable solution for tackling vitamin D deficiency in adults?

Study design:
This review article included 23 studies.

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found pooled data comparing fortification with vitamin D +/- Ca with control showed statistically significant effect on total 25(OH)D concentrations [MD = 25.4 nmol/L, 95% CI = 19.5 to 31.3, n = 2,002 participants].

The investigators found the subgroup analysis by duration of intervention (less than 12 weeks versus more than 12 weeks) and type of vehicle (dairy product, juice, grain product, oil and combination of dairy and grain products), isoform of the vitamin (D3 versus D2) and dose of the fortificant (≥ 1000 IU/d versus 1000 IU/d) also indicated significant effect of fortification with vitamin D on serum 25(OH)D concentrations.

The investigators found an average of 2 nmol/L increase in circulating 25(OH)D concentration for each 100 IU vitamin D intake per day in general adult population.

The investigators concluded that the circulating 25(OH)D response to vitamin D-fortified food consumption is influenced by age, BMI and the baseline 25(OH)D concentrations. Notwithstanding, an average of 2 nmol/L increase in circulating 25(OH)D concentration for each 100 IU vitamin D intake per day is expected for general adult population. These findings can be informative for policymakers to tackle vitamin D deficiency through food fortification strategy.

Original title:
The effects of vitamin D-fortified foods on circulating 25(OH)D concentrations in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Nikooyeh B and Neyestani TR.


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Find more information/studies on RCTs/cohort/significantly/review article, food fortification, vitamin D and malnutrition right here.