Nutrition and health

Aerobic exercise performed in the fasted state induces higher fat oxidation than exercise performed in the fed state


What is the effect of aerobic exercise performed in the fasted versus fed states on fat and carbohydrate metabolism in adults?

Study design:
This review article included 27 studies with a total of 273 participants.

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found a significant increase in fat oxidation during aerobic exercise (duration ≤120 min) performed in the fasted state compared with fed state [WMD = -3.08 g, 95% CI = -5.38 to -0.79, I2 = 39.1%].

The investigators found the weighted mean difference of onesterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations was not significantly different between states [WMD = 0.00 mmol/L, 95 % CI = -0.07 to 0.08, I2 = 72.7 %].

The investigators found, however, the weighted mean differences of glucose [WMD = 0.78 mmol/L, 95% CI = 0.43 to 1.14, I2 = 90.8%] and insulin concentrations [WMD = 104.5 pmol/L, 95% CI = 70.8 to 138.2, I2 = 94.5%] were significantly higher for aerobic exercise (duration ≤120 min) performed in the fed state.

The investigators concluded that aerobic exercise (duration ≤120 min) performed in the fasted state induces higher fat oxidation than aerobic exercise performed in the fed state.

Original title:
Effects of aerobic exercise performed in fasted v. fed state on fat and carbohydrate metabolism in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Vieira AF, Costa RR, […], Kruel LF.


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more studies/information on physical activity and energy right here.

Aerobic exercise is any exercise that raises the heart rate and increases respiration (breathing). Examples of aerobic exercise are:

  • Cross-country skiing
  • Cycling
  • Dancing
  • Fast walking
  • Hiking
  • Jogging or running
  • Swimming

A higher intake of plant protein decreases risk of type 2 diabetes among women


Reported associations between protein intake from different sources and type 2 diabetes (T2D) have been inconsistent.Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

Study design:
This review article included 11 prospective cohort studies with 505,624 participants and 37,918 type 2 diabetes cases (follow-up range: 5-24 years).

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found for the comparison of the highest with lowest categories of total protein intakes a significant higher risk of 9% for type 2 diabetes [RR = 1.09, 95% CI = 1.06 to 1.13]. Significant means that there is an association with a 95% confidence.

The investigators found for the comparison of the highest with lowest categories of animal protein intakes a significant higher risk of 19% for type 2 diabetes [RR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.11 to 1.28].

The investigators found for the comparison of the highest with lowest categories of plant protein intakes a non-significant reduced risk of 5% for type 2 diabetes [RR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.89 to 1.02]. Non-significant means it cannot be said with a 95% confidence that a daily higher intake of plant protein really reduced risk of type 2 diabetes with 5%.

The investigators found for the comparison of the highest with lowest categories of plant protein intakes a significant reduced risk of 7% for type 2 diabetes among women [RR = 0.93, 95% CI = 0.85 to 1.00].

The investigators found for the comparison of the highest with lowest categories of plant protein intakes a significant reduced risk of 9% for type 2 diabetes among US populations [RR = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.84 to 0.97].

The investigators concluded that a higher intake of total and animal protein are both associated with an increased risk of of type 2 diabetes. However, a higher intake of plant protein decreases risk of type 2 diabetes among women and US populations.

Original title:
Dietary protein intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study and a meta-analysis of prospective studies by Shang X, Scott D, […], Sanders KM.


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more information/studies on diabetes and protein right here.