The safety of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, one of the major challenges to public vaccination, has been controversial. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.
What is the safety of different human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines?
Study design:
This review article included 23 RCTs.
Results and conclusions:
The investigators found in pooled analysis that the 2vHPV vaccine was associated with significantly more systemic adverse events than the 4vHPV vaccine [risk ratio = 1.28, 95% credible interval = 1.14 to 1.44), 9vHPV vaccine [risk ratio = 1.25, 95% credible interval = 1.06 to 1.49] and placebo [risk ratio = 1.31, 95% credible interval = 1.18 to 1.46].
The investigators found, however, there were no statistically significant differences in serious adverse events between the vaccinated and placebo groups.
For injection-site adverse events, there were substantial inconsistencies between the direct and indirect effects; therefore, the analysis results of the safety were presented only for systemic and serious adverse events.
The investigators concluded that the 2vHPV vaccine results in more systemic adverse events than other vaccines and placebo. Further studies are needed to obtain more information regarding the safety of HPV vaccines.
Original title:
The comparative safety of human papillomavirus vaccines: A Bayesian network meta-analysis by Huang R, Gan R, [...], Xiao J.
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Cervarix is a 2-valent HPV (2vHPV) vaccine that has 2 virus-like particles (VLPs) including HPV 16 and 18 VLPs.