Basic reproduction number of COVID-19 infection is 3.15


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been found to be caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). However, comprehensive knowledge of COVID-19 remains incomplete and many important features are still unknown. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

The objectives of this review article are: What is the basic reproduction number? How long is the incubation time of the disease on average? What portion of infections is asymptomatic? And ultimately, what is the case fatality rate of COVID-19 infection?

Study design:
This review article included 22 studies.

Results and conclusions:   
The investigators found the basic reproduction number of COVID-19 infection was 3.15 [95% = 2.41 to 3.90, I2 = 97.8%], the average incubation time was 5.08 days [95% = 4.77 days to 5.39 days, I2 = 28%], the asymptomatic infection rate was 46% [95% 95% = 18.48% to 73.60% I2 = 98%] and the case fatality rate was 2.72% [95% = 1.29% to 4.16%, I2 = 99.5%] where asymptomatic infections are accounted for.

The investigators concluded the basic reproduction number of COVID-19 infection is 3.15, the average incubation time is 5.08 days, the asymptomatic infection rate is 46% and the case fatality rate is 2.72%. 

Original title:
Estimation of the Basic Reproduction Number, Average Incubation Time, Asymptomatic Infection Rate, and Case Fatality Rate for COVID-19: Meta-analysis and Sensitivity Analysis by Wenqing He W, Yi GY and Zhu Y.


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The basic reproduction number of COVID-19 infection is 3.15, suggesting that a virus carrier may infect at least 3 individuals on average if preventive measures such as social distancing or quarantine are not applied to the public.