Hospitalization rate of COVID-19 is higher among MS patients


What is the pooled prevalence of COVID-19 in patients with MS?

Study design:
This review article included 12 articles with 101,462 patients and the total number of possible/confirmed cases was 1,394.
Mean age ranged from 35 to 54 years. Totally, 49 patients died.
The quality assessment score ranged between 4 and 10.

Results and conclusions:   
The investigators found the pooled prevalence of suspected COVID-19 in MS patients was 4% [95% CI = 3% to 4%, I2 = 98.5%, p 0.001].

The investigators found the pooled prevalence of hospitalization in infected cases was 10% [95% CI = 7% to 12%, I2 = 95.6%, p  0.001].

The investigators found the pooled prevalence of death in hospitalized cases was 4% [95% CI = 1% to 6%, I2 = 82.4%, p 0.001].

The investigators concluded that hospitalization rate is higher among MS patients based on COVID-19 while the pooled infection rate is estimated as 4%.

Original title:
The prevalence of COVID-19 infection in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis by Moghadasi AN, Mirmosayyeb O, […], Ghajarzadeh M.


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