How healthy are my meals?

The table "nutritional values PER 100G/PER 100ML/PER PERSON" DOES NOT TELL how healthy my meal/diet is.

This is ONLY possible when these NUTRITIONAL VALUES and the EATEN PORTION SIZE are entered into the 7-points nutritional profile app.

7-points nutritional profile shows AT A GLANCE how healthy or unhealthy my meal/diet is.

7-points nutritional profile of a healthy meal/daily diet looks like:     

1. maximum 35 En% fat
2. maximum 10 En% saturated fat
3. maximum 70 En% carbohydrates
4. maximum 25 En% sugar
5. minimum 1.3 grams fiber per 100 kcal
6. maximum 35 En% protein
7. maximum 0.3 grams salt per 100 kcal


  1. Flakes red berrries with orange juice


  1. Noodles with fish balls, cherry tomatoes and bean sprouts



  1. Drinks, kinder bueno, peanuts and tortilla chips

Whole day:

  1. Bread roll, noodles fish soup, Vietnamese pancakes and fruit drinks