Male to female ratio of confirmed COVID-19 patients is 55 to 45


What is the prevalence of comorbidities in the confirmed COVID-19 patients?

Study design:
This review article included 33 studies (32 papers from China and 1 paper from Taiwan).
All 33 papers were in English language. In total, these studies included 9,249 patients comprising of 5,036 men and 4,191 women with confirmed COVID-19 since December 2019.

Results and conclusions:   
The investigators found the mean age of the diagnosed COVID-19 patients was 51 years [95% CI = 49 to 54 years old, I2 = 95%].

The investigators found based on the random effect model after inclusion of 32 studies, 55% [95% CI = 53% to 57%, I2 = 74%] of the COVID-19 patients were men while 45% [95% CI = 43% to 47%, I2 = 74%] were women.

The investigators found most prevalent finding in the confirmed COVID-19 patients was hypertension, which was found in 1/5 of the patients (21%).
Other most prevalent finding was diabetes mellitus (DM) in 11%, cerebrovascular disease in 2.4%, cardiovascular disease in 5.8%, chronic kidney disease in 3.6%, chronic liver disease in 2.9%, chronic pulmonary disease in 2.0%, malignancy in 2.7% and smoking in 8.7% of the patients.

The investigators concluded COVID-19 infection seems to be affecting every race, sex, age, irrespective of health status. The risk of symptomatic and severe disease might be higher due to the higher age which is usually accompanied with comorbidities. However, comorbidities do not seem to be the prerequisite for symptomatic and severe COVID-19 infection, except hypertension.

Original title:
Prevalence of Comorbidities in COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Baradaran A, Ebrahimzadeh MH, […], Kachooei AR.


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