Mild‐to‐moderate fever and cough are most common symptoms among children with COVID‐19


What are the epidemiological, clinical, radiological and laboratory features, as well as therapeutic and prognostic aspects, of COVID‐19 in children?

Study design:
This review article included 46 articles, reporting 551 laboratory‐confirmed cases of COVID‐19 in children between early January and late March 2020, of which 429 cases (78%) were from China, 11 cases (2%) from other Asian countries and 110 cases (20%) from Europe (Italy and Spain).

Of 551 children with laboratory‐confirmed COVID‐19, 311 were males. The patients' age ranged from 1 day to 17.5 years old and 216 were children under 5 years of age.

87% of patients had household exposure to COVID-19.

Antiviral agents were given to 74% of patients. 6 patients, all with major underlying medical conditions, needed invasive mechanical ventilation and one of them.

Results and conclusions:   
The investigators found the most common symptoms and signs of COVID-19 infection in children were fever [53%, 95% CI = 45% to 61%], cough [39%, 95% CI = 30% to 47%] and sore throat/pharyngeal erythema [14%, 95% CI = 4% to 28%].
However, 18% [95% CI = 11% to 27%] of cases were asymptomatic.

The investigators found the most common radiographic and computed tomography (CT) findings were patchy consolidations [33%, 95% CI = 23% to 43%] and ground glass opacities [28%, 95% CI = 18% to 39%].
But 36% [95% CI = 28% to 45%] of patients had normal CT images.

The investigators concluded children of all ages can get COVID‐19, although they appear to be affected less commonly than adults. Mild‐to‐moderate fever and cough are the most common symptoms, but much less frequently than that reported in adults and 18% of patients may be asymptomatic. Furthermore, previously healthy children with COVID‐19 usually have mild symptoms and good prognosis. However, children with COVID‐19 and major underlying medical condition are more likely to have severe or critical disease and poor prognosis, even death. To date, there is no approved treatment for COVID‐19.

Original title:
What We Know So Far About Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children: A Meta-Analysis of 551 Laboratory-Confirmed Cases by Zhang L, Peres TG, […], Camargos P.


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