D-dimer, fibrinogen, CRP, hs-CRP, ferritin and IL-6 are associated with increased severity and mortality in COVID-19 infection


Is there a difference in thrombo-inflammatory biomarkers between patients with severe COVID-19 infection/death and mild infection?

Study design:
This review article included 75 studies with 17,052 COVID-19 patients.
Patients with severe COVID-19/non-survivors were older, a greater proportion were men, had a higher prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, cardiac or cerebrovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, malignancy and COPD.

Moderate to significant heterogeneity was observed for all parameters.

Results and conclusions:   
The investigators found the thrombo-inflammatory biomarkers were significantly higher in patients with severe disease including
-D-dimer [WMD = 0.60, 95% CI = 0.49 to 0.71, I2 = 83.85%];
-fibrinogen [WMD = 0.42, 95% CI = 0.18 to 0.67, I2 = 61.88%, p 0.001]:
-CRP [WMD = 35.74, 95% CI = 30.16 to 41.31, I2 = 85.27%];
-high sensitivity-CRP [WMD = 62.68, 95% CI = 45.27 to 80.09, I2 = 0%];
-interleukin-6 [WMD = 22.81, 95% CI = 17.90 to 27.72, I2 = 90.42%] and;
-ferritin [WMD = 506.15, 95% CI = 356.24 to 656.06, I2 = 52.02%].
Sub-analysis based on disease severity, mortality and geographic region of studies demonstrated similar inferences.

The investigators concluded thrombo-inflammatory biomarkers (D-dimer, fibrinogen, CRP, hs-CRP, ferritin and IL-6) and marker of end-organ damage (hs-Troponin I) are associated with increased severity and mortality in COVID-19 infection.

Original title:
Thrombo-inflammatory Biomarkers in COVID-19: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of 17,052 patients by Chaudhary R, Jalaj Garg J, […], McBane RD.


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