Adequate nutrition is critical for optimal growth and development. However, young children may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies when transitioning to weaning foods for a variety of reasons. Supplementation with fortified milk may provide potentially lacking essential nutrients, but effects on growth and nutritional status are yet to be established. Therefore, this meta-analysis (review article) has been conducted.
Have fortified milk beneficial effects on growth and nutritional outcomes in young children?
Study design:
This review article included 15 RCTs with healthy children aged 6-47 months. Fortification varied from iron, zinc, vitamins, essential fatty acids, to pre- and/or probiotics.
Frequently reported outcomes were weight, height and iron status.
Studies varied in geographical location, sample size and duration.
Results and conclusions:
The investigators found that fortified milk had minimal effects on weight gain [mean difference = 0.17 kg, 95% CI = 0.02 to 0.31 kg] compared with control milk.
The investigators found a significant reduced risk of 68% [OR = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.15 to 0.66] for anaemia in fortified milk group compared with control group.
The investigators found no significant effects on height gain, changes in body composition or haemoglobin concentration.
The investigators concluded that fortified milk is an effective source of complementary nutrition to supplement children in need when consumed in appropriate amounts in addition to a normal diet. Due to compositional differences, further research on fortified milk is warranted before making global recommendations on benefits for growth and nutritional outcomes in young children.
Original title:
Effect of fortified milk on growth and nutritional status in young children: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Matsuyama M, Harb T, […], Hill RJ.
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Find more information/studies on food fortification/malnutrition right here.