Nutrition and health

50 to 250 mg/day dietary betaine intake increase stroke mortality


Do dietary choline and betaine increase mortality risk?


Study design:
This review article included 6 cohort studies comprising 482,778 total participants, 57,235 all-cause, 9,351 cardiovascular disease and 4,400 stroke deaths.


Results and conclusions:
The investigators found linear dose-response analysis showed that each 100 mg/day increase in dietary choline intake was significantly associated with 6% increases in risk of all-cause mortality [RR = 1.06, 95% CI = 1.03 to 1.10, I2 = 83.7%, p < 0.001].


The investigators found linear dose-response analysis showed that each 100 mg/day increase in dietary choline intake was significantly associated with 11% increases in risk of cardiovascular diseases mortality [RR = 1.11, 95% CI = 1.06 to 1.16, I2 = 54.3%, p = 0.02].


The investigators found the result of the nonlinear dose-response analysis showed a significant relationship between dietary betaine intake and stroke mortality at the dosages of 50 to 250 mg/day [p non-linearity= 0.0017]. 


The investigators concluded 100 mg/day of choline consumption is associated with a 6% and 11% higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality, respectively. In addition, a positive relationship between betaine dietary intake and stroke mortality at doses of 50 to 250 mg/day is observed. Due to the small number of the included studies and heterogeneity among them more well-designed prospective observational studies considering potential confounding variables are required. 


Original title: 
Higher dietary choline intake is associated with increased risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies by Sharifi-Zahabi E, Soltani S, […], Shidfar F. 



Additional information of El Mondo:
Find here more information/studies about RCTs/significant, choline, and stroke


Betaine-rich foods are

  • American Indian/Alaska native foods
  • Baked products
  • Beef products
  • Cereal grains and pasta
  • Restaurant foods
  • Snacks
  • Vegetables and vegetable products


Higher alcohol intake increases stroke

The relationship between beverage consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease has been extensively examined in cross-sectional studies. However, limited studies have investigated beverage consumption as a longer-term habitual behavior, which is important owing to potential cumulative harmful or beneficial cardiovascular effects. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

What is the relationship between sex-specific long-term consumption of beverages [sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) or artificial-sweetened beverages (ASBs), tea, coffee, fruit juices, energy drinks and alcohol] and cardiovascular disease-related mortality? 

Study design:
This review article included 20 prospective cohort studies. The length of follow-up ranged from 5.5 years to 40 years. 
There was no publication bias. 

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found long-term coffee consumption of 2-6 cups per day significantly reduced cardiovascular disease-related mortality with 37% in males [pooled HR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.46 to 0.87, p = 0.005, I2 = 0%] but not in females [HR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.60 to 1.02, p = 0.07]. 

The investigators found long-term higher intake of tea was significantly associated with a 19% lower risk of cardiovascular disease-related mortality in all adults [pooled HR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.72 to 0.92, p ≤ 0.001]. 

The investigators found higher alcohol intake was significantly associated with a 44% higher stroke in males [pooled HR = 1.44, 95% CI = 1.06 to 1.94, p = 0.02] and a 126% higher stroke in females [pooled HR = 2.26, 95% CI = 1.34 to 3.81, p = 0.002]. 

The investigators found higher sugar-sweetened beverage was significantly associated with a 31% higher risk in cardiovascular disease-related mortality [pooled HR = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.16 to 1.46, p ≤ 0.0001]. 
However, no effect was found between artificial-sweetened beverages and cardiovascular disease-related mortality while comparing the highest intake with lowest intake [pooled HR = 1.05, 95% CI = 0.87 to 1.26, p = 0.61, I2 = 61%].
The investigators concluded long-term habitual coffee consumption (2-6 cups per day) is beneficial for males and tea consumption is beneficial for all adults. Long-term high alcohol and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption increased risk of cardiovascular disease-related mortality for both males and females. However, it is not possible to draw conclusions on the potential benefit or harm of the long-term consumption of fruit juice and energy drinks on cardiovascular disease-related mortality owing to the limited number of studies available.

Original title: 
Long-Term Consumption of 6 Different Beverages and Cardiovascular Disease-Related Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies by Bhandari B, Zeng L, […], Xu X. 


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more information/studies on RCT’s/sensitivity analysis, coffee, alcohol and cardiovascular diseases right here. 

25 mg carotenoid supplements decrease blood pressure

Carotenoidensupplementen en blloeddruk

Hypertension (HTN) is regarded as a serious public health issue throughout the world. High blood pressure (BP) may be improved by carotenoid supplementation; however, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) provide conflicting evidence. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

Do carotenoid supplements reduce blood pressure?

Study design:
This review article included 19 RCTs involving 1,151 participants.
Evidence for all systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate values was high quality.

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found carotenoid supplementation significantly reduced the systolic blood pressure (SBP) [WMD = -2.492 mmHg, 95% CI = -4.52 to -0.47, p = 0.016] and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) [MD = -1.60 mmHg, 95% CI = -2.73 to -0.47, p = 0.005]. 

The investigators found greater effects were observed in Asian participants, those aged >50 years, nonhealthy participants and participants with a baseline systolic blood pressure ≥130 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure ≥80 mmHg and at carotenoid dose >10 mg. 

The investigators found dose-response analysis showed that carotenoid supplementation decreased systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure levels at doses of, respectively, 0-25 and 0-20 mg/d. 

The investigators concluded daily 10-25 mg carotenoid supplementation decrease blood pressure, especially in nonhealthy study participants with high blood presurre baseline levels.

Original title: 
Effect of carotenoid supplementation on blood pressure in adults: a GRADE-assessed systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by Behzadi M, Akbarzadeh M, […], Bideshki MV. 


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more information/studies on RCT’s/sensitivity analysis, carotenoids and cardiovascular diseases right here.

Heart patients are advised to choose low fat, low salt and fiber rich products. These products can be found here. 

Patients with a high blood pressure are advised to choose low salt products. These products can be found here

Vitamin B1 deficiency increases systolic heart failure risk

Approximately 5.7 million Americans carry the diagnosis of systolic heart failure (HF), a major health care burden. Heart failure is a known manifestation of thiamine deficiency (TD). Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

Is thiamine deficiency (vitamin B1 deficiency) a risk factor of systolic heart failure?

Study design:
This review article included 9 studies (observational studies and RCTs).

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found systolic heart failure patients had a higher risk of 153% of getting a thiamine deficiency [odds ratio = 2.53, 95% CI = 1.65-3.87].

The investigators found diuretic use, changes in dietary habits and altered thiamine absorption and metabolism were identified as possible mechanisms of thiamine deficiency in heart failure patients.

The investigators found small observational studies and randomized control trials suggested that thiamine supplementation in heart failure population could improve ejection fraction and reduce symptoms.

The investigators concluded thiamine deficiency is more prevalent in heart failure population, and its supplementation may be beneficial. The therapeutic role of thiamine in heart failure warrants further study.

Original title:
Determining the Role of Thiamine Deficiency in Systolic Heart Failure: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review by Jain A, Mehta R, […], Winchester DE.


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more information/studies on cardiovascular disease and vitamin B1 (thiamine) right here.

A high GL diet is a risk factor of stroke events


Does a high GI or GL diet increase risk of stroke events?

Study design:
This review article included 7 prospective cohort studies with 225000 participants free of diabetes from 6 different countries. 3046 stroke events were included and the follow-up range was 5 to 18 years.

Results and conclusions:
The investigators found a high GI diet was not significantly associated with a 10% increased risk for stroke events [pooled RR = 1.10, 95% CI = 0.99-1.21]. Not significantly means, there is no association with a 95% confidence.

However, the investigators found high GL was significantly associated with a 19% increased risk for stroke events [pooled RR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.05-1.36].

The investigators found there was no significant association between high carbohydrate intake and stroke risk [RR = 1.12, 95% CI = 0.93-1.35].

The investigators concluded a daily high GL diet (but not GI diet) is the risk factor of stroke event. Further researches are needed to verify the meta-analyses results and study associated mechanisms.

Original title:
Carbohydrate Intake, Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Stroke: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies by Cai X, Wang C, [...], Ding F.


Additional information of El Mondo:
Find more information/studies on GL and GI diet right here.