Voeding en gezondheid

Een hoge suikerinname verhoogt de bloeddruk, het triglyceriden- en cholesterolgehalte

Research Question:
It is assumed that sugar intake via diet is a cause of obesity, a number of chronic diseases and a series of cardiometabolic risk factors, but there is no convincing evidence for a causal relationship between sugar intake and other risk factors, except the body weight. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Is there a link between sugar intake and cardiometabolic risk factors (vaatziektengerelateerde heart)?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 37 RCTs on vetbloedwaarden (such as cholesterol, triglycerides) and 12 RCTs on blood pressure.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high sugar intake compared to a low intake, the triglyceride levels significantly with 0.11 mmol/L [95% CI = 0.07-0.15 mmol/L, p 0.0001] increased.

The researchers found that a high sugar intake compared to a low intake, total cholesterol significantly with 0.16 mmol/L [95% CI = 0.10-0.24 mmol/L, p 0.0001] increased.

The researchers found that a high sugar intake compared to a low intake, LDL cholesterol levels significantly with 0.12 mmol/L [95% CI = 0.05-0.19 mmol/L, p = 0.0001] increased.

The researchers found that a high sugar intake compared to a low intake, HDL-cholesterol levels significantly with 0.02 mmol/L [95% CI = 0.00-0.03 mmol/L, p = 0.03] increased.

The researchers found in studies longer than 8 weeks, that a high sugar intake compared to a low intake, the systolic blood pressure significantly with 6.9 mmHg [95% CI = 3.4-10.3 mmHg, p 0.001] increased.

The researchers found in studies longer than 8 weeks, that a high sugar intake compared to a low intake, the vacuum significantly with 5.6 mmHg [95% CI = 2.5-8.8 mmHg, p = 0.0005] increased.

The researchers concluded that high sugar intake the blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels increased. The found context is independent of the positive effect of sugars on body weight.

Original title:
Dietary sugars and cardiometabolic risk: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of the effects on blood pressure and lipids by Morenga To LA, Howatson AJ, [...], Mann J.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Heart patients and people who are overweight often have high blood pressure and high triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

Find here more studies on lowering cholesterol levels and sugar intake.

A daily diet with a high sugar intake is a power supply with more than 70% carbohydrates And sugars and/or more than 25%. Which products from the supermarket And more than 70% carbohydrates and/or more than 25 and% sugars contain, you can look up here. 25% and% sugars is, that the number of grams of sugars 25% to the total calorie content of the product in question.

Dagelijks 100 gram fructose of meer verhoogt zowel het triglyceriden- als het LDL-cholesterolgehalte

Research Question:
Fructose is widely used as a sweetener in many foods, but the relationship between the intake of fructose and cholesterol remains uncertain. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating fructose increases cholesterol levels?

Study Design:
This overview article included 24 Rcts with 474 participants.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating fructose had no significant effect on the HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol).

The researchers found that eating 100 grams of fructose per day or more, the triglyceride levels significantly with 13 mg/dL [95% CI = 4.7-21.3, p = 0.002] increased. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that eating 100 grams of fructose per day or more, the LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) significantly with 11.6 mg/dL [95% CI = 4.4-18.9, p = 0.002] increased.

The researchers concluded that eating 100 grams of fructose per day or more, both triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol levels increased.

Original title:
Very High Fructose Intake Increases Serum LDL-Cholesterol and Total Cholesterol: A Meta-Analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials by Zhang YH, An T, [...], Zhang j.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Heart patients often have both a high triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol levels.


Een laag vet dieet verlaagt het cholesterolgehalte in premenopauzale vrouwen

Research Question:
A low fat diet lowers cholesterol levels in women?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 8 RCTs with 1536 women, of which 900 in the intervention group and 636 in the control group.

There was no heterogeneity.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a low fat diet total cholesterol significantly with 0.49 mmol/L [95% CI =-0.69 to-0.29, I2 = 42%, p 0.00001] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a low fat diet the HDL-cholesterol levels significantly with 0.12 mmol/L [95% CI =-0.20 to-0.05, I2 = 49%, p = 0.00006] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a low fat diet the LDL-cholesterol levels significantly with 0.24 mmol/L [95% CI = 0.38-to-0.09, I2 = 42%, p = 0.001] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

In the subgroup analysis, the researchers found that a low fat diet the total, HDL and LDL-cholesterol levels significantly in Premenopausal but not in postmenopausal women reduced.

The researchers found no significant differences for the triglyceride levels and the LDL: HDL ratio.

The researchers concluded that a low fat diet the total, HDL and LDL cholesterol levels in premenopausal women reduced.

Original title:
Effects of low-fat diet on serum lipids in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by Wu L, Ma D, [...], Hey Z.


Additional information about El Mondo:
A low fat diet is a daily diet with up to 30% fat, And of which, a maximum of 7 and% saturated fat.
An easy way to follow a low fat diet, is to choose products that are also up to 30 And up to 7% And% fat and saturated fat supply.
Which products in the grocery store And up to 30% fat and deliver up to 7 And% saturated fat, you can look up here.



Alfa-caroteen verlaagt de kans op het krijgen van borstkanker

Research Question:
Lowers eating carotenoids at risk of getting breast cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 33 studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in cohort studies that compared with the lowest intake, reduced the highest intake of Alpha-carotene through feeding the chance of getting breast cancer significantly with 9% [pooled RR = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.85-0.98, p = 0.01]. Significant is, there is a link.

The researchers found in cohort studies that compared with the lowest intake, reduced the highest intake of beta-carotene through feeding the chance of getting breast cancer by 6% non-significant [pooled RR = 0.94, 95% CI = 0.88-1.00, p = 0.05]. Non-significant is, there is no a bandage. Non-significant because RR of 1 sat in the 95% CI of 0.88-1.00.

The researchers found in cohort studies that compared with the lowest intake, reduced the highest intake of total beta-carotene through feeding the chance of getting breast cancer by 5% non-significant [pooled RR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.90-1.01, p = 0.08]. Non-significant is, there cannot be said with 95% reliability that the reduced risk of 5% was due to eating a lot of beta carotene.

A significant dose dependent connection was in cohort studies found between the highest intake of both beta-carotene and total beta-carotene via power supply [P trend P trend = 0.03 0.01,] and the reduced risk of getting breast cancer.

A significant dose dependent connection was in cohort studies found between the highest intake of both beta-carotene and total beta-carotene via power supply [0.01 0.01, P trend P trend ] and the reduced risk of getting breast cancer.

No significant association was found between beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and luteine and/or zeaxanthin and the reduced risk of getting breast cancer.

The researchers concluded that eating Alpha-carotene reduced the chance of getting breast cancer. However, the positive effect of beta carotene to be confirmed.

Original title:
Carotenoids and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis and meta-regression by Hu F, Yi BW, [...], Zhao Y.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about carotene in the presentation carotenoids.

Why the conclusion found in cohort studies more reliable than in case-control studies can be read in the presentation design.


200 gram rauwe tomaten per dag verlaagt prostaatkanker

Research Question:
Eating tomatoes lowers the chances of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 11 cohort studies and case-control studies, 5 5 nested case-control studies until March 2003. There was no question of heterogeneity between the studies but slight evidence of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high intake (5th quintile) of raw tomatoes compared to a low intake (1st quintile), the chance of getting prostate cancer non-significant 11% [95% CI 0.80-1.00] reduced. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a high intake (5th quintile) of cooked tomatoes compared to a low intake (1st quintile), the chance of getting prostate cancer significantly with 19% [95% CI 0.71-0.92] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in case-control studies that eating raw tomatoes 200 grams a day, the chances of getting prostate cancer non-significant with 3% [95% CI = 0.85-1.10] reduced.

The researchers found in cohort studies that eating raw tomatoes 200 grams a day, the chances of getting prostate cancer significantly with 22% [95% CI = 0.66-0.92] reduced.

The researchers concluded that eating lots of tomatoes (200 grams per day or more) reduced the chance of getting prostate cancer.

Original title:
The Role of Tomato Products and Lycopene in the Prevention of Prostate Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies Etminan Caamaño Takkouche B and M, by-Isorna F.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid. Read more about carotenoids.

In scientific studies is often a 95% reliability (95% CI) used, so never 100% reliability. A 95% CI of 0.66-0.92 is, when the researchers will perform this review article 100 times then they will find a result in 95 out of 100 times that is between 0.66 and 0.92. 5 out of 100 times they will find a result that is not between 0.66 and 0.92 are.

Significance is, the researchers must be less than 5 out of 100 times find a result that is not between 0.66 and 0.92 is. They find 6 or more of 100 times a result that is not between 0.66 and 0.92 is, then it is referred to as non-significance.


Luteïne en zeaxanthine via voeding verlagen gevorderde AMD

Research Question:
It is assumed that lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the incidence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but the findings are inconsistent. Therefore, a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on the relationship between the intake of lutein and zeaxanthin and the risk of getting AMD.

Lutein and zeaxanthin intake lowers the risk of getting AMD?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 6 cohort studies with
0.12 million participants, of which 2477 people with AMD. The study size ranged between 1709 and 71494 participants. 
The study duration ranged between 5 and 18 years.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that people who ate lots of lutein and zeaxanthin non-significant 4% [RR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.78-1.17] less likely walked on getting ADM than people who ate little lutein and zeaxanthin. Non-significant to say that it is not with 95% reliability can be said that the reduced risk of 4% was due to eating lutein and zeaxanthin.

The researchers found that people who ate lots of lutein and zeaxanthin significant 26% [RR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.57-0.97] less likely walked on getting advanced AMD than people who ate little lutein and zeaxanthin. Significant with 95% reliability means that it can be said that the reduced risk of 26% was due to eating lutein and zeaxanthin.

The researchers found that people who ate lots of lutein and zeaxanthin significant 38% [RR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.51-0.92] less likely walked on getting neovascular AMD than people who ate little lutein and zeaxanthin. In other words, there is a significant relationship.

The researchers concluded that eating lutein and zeaxanthin protect against getting advanced AMD but not against getting AMD.

Original title:
Lutein and zeaxanthin intake and the risk of age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Le M, Hong-Liang D, [...], Xiao-Ming L.



Additional information about El Mondo:
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids. Read more about carotenoids in the presentation carotenoids.

The levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in a product can be looked up in the NEVO-table.

Hoge bloedconcentraties van carotenoïden verlagen borstkanker

Research Question:
Measurement errors in the food assessment of fruit and vegetables, the associations with the risk of getting breast cancer would weaken and the weak associations observed in epidemiological studies may explain. Carotenoids concentrations in the blood are biomarkers of vegetable and fruit, however no systematic literature review are available on the relationship between the concentrations of carotenoids in the blood and the risk of getting breast cancer. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Lowers a high carotenoid concentration in the blood the chance of getting breast cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained relevant studies until 31 August 2011. The random-effects models were used to display the risk.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that consumption of 5000 micrograms of beta carotene per day the chance of getting breast cancer significantly with 5% [summary RR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.91-0.99, n = 10] reduced.

The summary RR for the blood concentration of carotenoids was 0.78 [95% CI = 0.61-0.99, n = 7] per 100 μg/dL. This is to say, people with a blood concentration of 100 μg per dL were significantly less blood carotenoids 22% chance of getting breast cancer. Significant is, there is a link.

The summary RR for the blood concentration of beta-carotene was 0.74 [95% CI = 0.57-0.97, n = 13] per 50 μg/dL.
The summary RR for the blood concentration of Alpha-carotene was 0.82 [95% CI = 0.73-0.92, n = 12] per 10 μg/dL.
The summary RR for the blood concentration of lutein was 0.68 [95% CI = 0.52-0.89, n = 6] per 25 μg/dL.

The researchers concluded that the blood concentrations of carotenoids were more strongly associated with a reduced risk of getting breast cancer than carotenoid intake, obtained through filling in questionnaires.
This review article suggested that the use of certain biomarkers inconsistent and weak associations between dietary intake diet and the risk of getting breast cancer may clarify.

Original title:
Dietary compared with blood concentrations of carotenoids and breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies by Aune D, Chan DSM, [...], Norat T.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about carotenoids in the presentation carotenoids.


Het eten van carotenoïden verlaagt ALS

Research Question:
Lowers eating carotenoids AS the chance of getting?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 5 prospective cohort studies with 1100910 participants (562942 men and 537968 women) whose 1153 persons now deceased were as.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that the intake of carotenoids in the top group compared with the lowest group, the risk of getting as significant with 25% [pooled, multivariate-adjusted RR for the highest to the lowest quintile = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.61-0.91, P for trend = 0.004] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that the intake of beta carotene in the top group compared with the lowest group, the risk of getting 15% IF non-significant [pooled, multivariate-adjusted RR for the highest to the lowest quintile = 0.85. 95% CI = 0.64-1.13, P for trend = 0.03] reduced. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that the intake of lutein in the top group compared with the lowest group, the risk of getting as significant by 21% [pooled, multivariate-adjusted RR for the highest to the lowest quintile = 0.79. 95% CI = 0.64-0.96, P for trend = 0.01] reduced.

The researchers found that lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin and vitamin C reduced the risk of getting if not.

The researchers concluded that eating a lot of carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lutein reduced the chance of getting AS.

Original title:
Intakes of vitamin C and carotenoids and risk or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Pooled results from 5 cohort studies by Fitzgerald KC, O'Reilly EJ, [...], Ascherio a.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) comes from the Greek: A (means no), myo (refers to muscles), trofie (meaning food). IF is a muscle disease, in which muscles get no or insufficient power or nerve impulses.
The exact cause of the disease is not yet known.

Beta-carotene and lutein are carotenoids. Read more about carotenoids. The content of carotenoids, beta-carotene and lutein of a product can be looked up in the NEVO-table.


Beta-caroteensupplementen verhogen de kans op blaaskanker

Research Question:
Is there a link between swallowing beta-carotene and getting cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 6 Rcts with 40544 participants, of which 20290 20254 in beta-carotene group and in the placebo group. The average age was 55.1 years (18-84 years) and 96.2% of the participants was man. The dosage of beta-carotene was 30, 50 or 75 mg daily or every other day.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that taking beta carotene cancer incidence (the number of cancer cases) non-significant with 8% [95% CI = 0.99-1.18] increased. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability. In other words, there cannot be said with 95% reliability, that swallowing of beta carotene cancer cases increased by 8%.

The researchers found that taking beta carotene cancer mortality (dying of cancer) with 0% [95% CI = 0.87-1.15] increased.

Similar results were found in both primary prevention-Rcts as in secondary prevention-Rcts.

The subgroup-analyses (to get additional information) showed that taking beta carotene the chances of getting bladder cancer significantly with 52% [95 BI = 1.03-2.24] increased. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

Let the subgroup analyses also show that swallowing beta-carotene the chance of getting cancer among smokers non-significant with 7% [95 BI = 0.99-1.17] increased.

The researchers concluded that taking beta carotene nor the chance of getting cancer increased, except for bladder cancer or reduced.

Original title:
Effects of beta-carotene Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials by Young-Jee J, Seung-Kwon M [...], Bong Yul H.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Beta carotene is a carotenoid and is responsible for the red color of roots. Read more about carotenoids.

The EFSA has no claims of beta-carotene approved. Swallow only nutritional supplements when the claim has been approved by EFSA or when a protective effect is found in the review articles of Rcts.

Het eten van tomatenproducten verlaagt mogelijk maagkanker

Research Question:
Epidemiological studies have the possible association between the consumption of tomato products and stomach cancer examined, but the relationship between eating tomato products and the risk of getting stomach cancer is controversial. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating tomatoes lowers the chances of getting stomach cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 21 studies. The studies were case-control or cohort studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in a pooled analysis of 21 studies that eating lots of tomatoes, the tomato products products compared with little chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 27% reduced [odds ratio = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.60-0.90]. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The pooled odds ratio of the consumption of lycopene was 0.88 [95% CI = 0.67-1.16] and the pooled odds ratio of serum lycopene was 0.79 [95% CI = 0.59-1.07].

The researchers concluded that eating lots of tomato products the chance of getting stomach cancer may be reduced. Possible because there are errors in the studies were found, which could affect the results found.

Original title:
The role of tomato products and lycopene in the prevention of gastric cancer: A meta-analysis of an epidemiological studies by Yang T, Yang X, [...], Song Z.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Risk factors of stomach cancer are:

  • Smoking
  • Certain type of stomach polyps
  • Stomach Removal
  • Chronic atrophic gastritis
  • Helicobacter pylori


25 mg lycopeen per dag verlaagt het LDL-cholesterolgehalte met 10%

Research Question:
Lowers eating lycopene cholesterol levels and blood pressure?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 12 Rcts.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating lycopene 25 mg or more per day total cholesterol significantly with 7.55 mg/dl [± 6.15 mg/dl, p = 0.02] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that eating lycopene 25 mg or more per day the LDL-cholesterol levels significantly with 10.35 mg/dl [± 5.64 mg/dl, p = 0.0003] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The effect of lycopene on the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels lost its significance at an intake of less than 25 mg of lycopene per day. No significance is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that eating lycopene 25 mg or more per day the systolic blood pressure significantly with 5.60 mmHg [± 5.26 mmHg, p = 0.04] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that a lycopeeninname of 25 mg or more per day lowered LDL cholesterol by about 10%, which is comparable to the effect of a low dose statins in patients with a slightly raised cholesterol levels. More research is needed to further the suggested favourable effect on the total serum cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure (bovenddruk) to confirm.

Original title:
Protective effect of lycopene on serum cholesterol and blood pressure: Meta-analyses or intervention trials by Ried Fakler K and P.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Lycopene is a carotenoid and is responsible for the red color of the tomatoes.


Lycopeen verlaagt een beroerte onder mannen

Research Question:
Epidemiological studies support a protective role of lycopene against preventing a stroke or mortality, but the results are contradictory. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating lycopene reduces the chance of getting a stroke? 

Study Design:
This overview article contained 7 prospective cohort studies with 116127 participants and 1989 people with stroke.
There was no question of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that lycopene the chance of getting a stroke significantly with 19.3% [RR = 0.807, 95% CI = 0680-0.957, I2 = 25.5%, p = 0.234] reduced.

The researchers found that lycopene lycopene in the blood and not through feeding, the chances of getting a stroke significantly with 38.7% [RR = 0.503-0693, 95% CI = 0.954] reduced.

The researchers found that lycopene the chance of stroke among Europeans and men lowered.

The researchers found that the duration of the follow-up had no effect on the final results.

The researchers concluded that lycopene, particularly in blood and not through feeding, the chance of getting a stroke, especially among Europeans and men lowered.

Original title:
Dietary and circulating lycopene and stroke risk: a meta-analysis of prospective studies by Li X and Xu J.


Additional information about El Mondo:
The lycopeengehalte in the blood can be increased by swallowing lycopeensupplementen and/or eating lycopene.

Find here more studies on lowering stroke and lycopene.


Lycopeensupplementen verlagen niet prostaatkanker

Research Question:
Lycopeensupplementen swallowing lowers the chances of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 8 Rcts. There was talk of bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in a meta-analysis of 4 Rcts that swallowing lycopeensupplementen the chance of getting benign prostatic hyperplasia (a benign enlargement of the prostate) not significant with 5% [95% CI = 0.63-1.44] reduced.
Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in a meta-analysis of 4 Rcts that swallowing lycopeensupplementen the chance of getting prostate cancer by 8% not significant [RR = 0.92, 95% CI = 0.66-1.29] reduced.
Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in a meta-analysis of 2 Rcts that swallowing of lycopeensupplementen the value of PSA-prostate cancer patients significantly with 1.58 [95% CI =-2.61 to-0.55] reduced.
Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that it is not yet scientifically proven was to lycopeensupplementen for write for prevention or treatment of prostate cancer.

Original title:
Lycopene for the prevention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer: A systematic review by Ilic D and Valerie M.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about lycopeenstudies.

Prostate cancer is rare in men younger than 40 years.

The Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein that is normally present in the blood to a small degree. It is formed in the glandular tissue of the prostate, both in a healthy as in a diseased prostate.
In benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer, the PSA level increased.

Age (years)

Reference value of PSA











Beta-cryptoxanthine via voeding verlaagt longkanker

Research Question:
The eating of carotenoids reduces chances of getting lung cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 7 cohort studies with a follow-up duration of 7-16 years, 3155 lung cancer cases (1777 men and 1378 women) under 3999765 participants.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of beta carotene (highest quintile compared with lowest quintile) the chances of getting lung cancer does not significantly with 2% [95% CI = 0.87-1.11] reduced. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that eating a lot of beta-cryptoxanthin (highest quintile (> 160 mcg per day) compared to lowest quintile ( 40 mcg/day)) the chances of getting lung cancer significantly with 24% [95% CI = 0.67-0.86] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability. This reduced risk did not change after correcting for the intake of vitamin C, folate, other carotenoids and the use of multivitamin supplements.
These associations remained the same among non-, ex-and current smokers.

The researchers concluded that eating a lot of beta-cryptoxanthin (> 160 mcg per day) reduced the chance of getting lung cancer.

Original title:
Dietary Carotenoids and Risk of Lung Cancer in a Pooled Analysis of Seven Cohort Studies by Männistö S, Smith-Warner SA, [...], Hunter DJ.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Beta-cryptoxanthin is a carotenoid.

Food And Beverages

How many beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)

Khaki (100 grams)


Mandarins (100 grams)


Papaya (100 grams)


Passion fruit (100 grams)


Dried currants (100 grams)


Red raw peppers (100 grams)


Sugar melon (100 grams)


Orange (100 grams)


Guava (100 grams)


Raw corn salad (100 g)


Apricots with Peel (100 grams)


Dried apricots (100 grams)


Cooked spinach (100 grams)


160 mcg beta cryptoxanthin per day thus corresponds with 145 grams raw corn salad.

The most important cause of lung cancer is smoking.

10 gram wortelen per dag verlaagt waarschijnlijk prostaatkanker

Research Question:
Previous studies into the relationship between eating carrots and let the risk of getting prostate cancer see inconsistent results. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating carrots lowers the chances of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained cohort studies.
There was no publication bias (Begg's funnel plot (p = 1,000) and Egger test (p = 0.804)).

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating carrots significantly the chance of getting prostate cancer by 18% [OR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.70-0.97] reduced.

The researchers found that eating 1 serving of carrots a week the chances of getting prostate cancer significantly with 5% [OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.90-0.99] reduced.

The researchers found that every 10 grams of carrots per day the chances of getting prostate cancer significantly with 4% [OR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.94-0.99] reduced.

The researchers concluded eating carrots the chance of getting prostate cancer probably reduced. Probably because this overview article contained little cohort studies and there was substantial heterogeneity between the studies.

Original title:
Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer by Xu X, Cheng Y, [...], Xie L.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies on carotenoids.

Een hoge vitamine E-bloedwaarde verlaagt prostaatkanker

Research Question:
Epidemiological studies that the association between the blood values of α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol (the most important bioactive form of vitamin E) and the risk of prostate cancer have explored, let see inconsistent results. In addition, a quantitative assessment of published studies is not available. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Lowers high blood vitamin E-value the chance of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article 9 contained nested case-control studies from different countries with 370000 participants (4004 cases and 6890 controls).
The overall quality of all studies was okay.
The Egger test did not permit a publication bias for α-tocopherol-blood values (p = 0.08) or γ-tocopherol-blood values (p = 0.08) see.
There was significant heterogeneity among the studies with gamma-tocopherol blood values (p = 0.008) but not with alpha tocopherol (α-tocopherol) blood values (p = 0.33).

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found compared to the lowest category, had the highest alpha-tocopherol category a significantly reduced risk of 21% [RR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.68-0.91] for prostate cancer.

The researchers found compared to the lowest category, had the highest gamma-tocopherol category a non-significant reduced risk of 11% [RR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.71-1.12] for prostate cancer. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that every increase in alpha-tocopherol bloedwaarden with 25 mg/L, prostate cancer risk significantly by 21% [RR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.69-0.91] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that only a high alpha-tocopherol bloedwaarde reduced the chance of getting prostate cancer.

Original title:
Blood α-Tocopherol, γ-Tocopherol Levels and Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies by Cui R, Liu ZQ and Xu Q.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies on vitamin E.

Meer onderzoek nodig naar MS en vitamine D

Research Question:
Swallowing vitamin D lowers the chances of getting multiple sclerosis?

Study Design:
The overview article contained 5 Rcts. The studies were small (23 to 68 patients). There was heterogeneity between the dosages, the form of vitamin D (4 Rcts with vitamin D3 and 1 with vitamin D2) and clinical outcome measures. Because of the poor study design could there is no meta-analysis carried out. A meta-analysis can show the size of the effect.

Results and conclusions:
Of the 5 Rcts found 4 no effect between vitamin D and each outcome of multiple sclerosis. 1 Rcts found a significant effect, namely a reduction in the number of T1 elevated lesions on the MRI scan of the brain. 3 Rcts found undesirable effect, especially intestinal and stomach discomfort in swallowing of vitamin D.

The researchers concluded that the evidence for vitamin D as a treatment for MS was unclear. Larger studies (Rcts with a follow-up duration of longer than 1 year) are necessary to the effect of vitamin D on the clinical outcomes in patients with MS to investigate.

Original title:
A Systematic Review of Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials Examining the Clinical Efficacy of Vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis by Pozuelo-Moyanoa B, Benito-Leóna J [...], Hernández-Gallegoa J.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease. In MS causes a disordered immune system inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. In doing so creates lasting damage to the myelin and axons, which account for a large part of the MS-complaints caused.

Multiple sclerosis is common among young adults, in women more than in men. The frequency in which the disease occurs, varies by country and population group. MS does not or hardly in countries closer to the equator.

The exact cause of MS is unknown, but it is widely believed that MS is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.



20 microgram vitamine D per dag verlaagt fracturen bij ouderen

Research Question:
The results of the meta-analyses on the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and reducing fractures are inconsistent. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Swallowing of 800 IU of vitamin D lowers the chances of getting hip fractures and non-vertebral fractures in the elderly?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 11 Rcts with 31022 persons (average age of 76 years, 91% women) with 1111 incidental non-vertebral fractures and hip fractures 3770.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that swallowing average 800 IE (20 micrograms) of vitamin D per day the chances of getting hip fractures significantly reduced by 30%. The hazard ratio was 0.70 [95% CI = 0.58-0.86]. Significant is, it can be said with 95% reliability that the reduced risk of 30% was due to swallowing average 800 IU of vitamin D per day.

The researchers found that swallowing average 800 IE (20 micrograms) of vitamin D per day the chances of getting non-vertebral fractures significantly reduced by 14%. The hazard ratio was 0.86 [95% CI = 0.76-0.96]. Significant because 1 was not in the 95% CI of 0.76-0.96.

The researchers found that the daily swallowing of vitamin D (less than 800 IU) compared to not swallow daily of vitamin D the chances of getting hip fractures non-significant reduced by 10%. The hazard ratio was 0.90 [95% CI = 0.80-1.01]. Non-significant is, it cannot be said with 95% reliability that the reduced risk of 10% was due to the daily swallowing of vitamin d. non-significant means no link.

The researchers found that the daily swallowing of vitamin D (less than 800 IU) compared to not swallow daily of vitamin D the chances of getting non-vertebral fractures significantly reduced by 7%. The hazard ratio was 0.93 [95% CI = 0.87-0.99].

The researchers concluded that the daily swallowing of 800 IU of vitamin D per day or more the chance of getting hip fractures and non-vertebral fractures in people 65 years or older did decrease.

Original title:
A Pooled Analysis of Vitamin D Dose Requirements for Fracture Prevention by Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Willett WC, [...], Dawson-Hughes B.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Scientific studies show that blood to desired values of to get 75-80 nanomol/l 800-1200 IU of vitamin D per day is needed.
40 IU vitamin D equals 1 micrograms of vitamin d. So 1200 IE than 1200/40 = 30 micrograms of vitamin D per day.

Read more about vitamin D vitamin D in the presentation.


Vitamine D-supplementen verlagen niet borstkanker onder postmenopauzale vrouwen

Research Question:
Taking vitamin D supplements lowers the chance of getting breast cancer among postmenopausal women?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 2 RCTs with 5372 postmenopausal women.
There was no heterogeneity (p = 0.59, I2 = 0%).  

The daily dose was 800 IE (20 micrograms) vitamin D and 1000 mg of calcium for 24-62 months in one study and 1100 IE (27.5 micrograms) vitamin D and 1400 mg calcium citrate or calcium carbonate 1500 mg or in the other study.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that taking vitamin D supplements the chance of getting breast cancer among postmenopausal women not significantly by 11% [95% CI = 0.74-1.68] increased. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability

The researchers found that taking vitamin D supplements with the highest dosage, the chance of getting breast cancer among postmenopausal women not significantly with 42% [95% CI = 0.23-1.47] reduced. Not significant because the risk of 1 is in the 95% CI of 0.23 and 1.47. Risk of 1 means no risk.

The researchers found that taking vitamin D supplements in combination with calcium, the chance of getting breast cancer among postmenopausal women not significantly with 7% [95% CI = 0.54-1.60] reduced. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability

The researchers concluded that taking vitamin D supplements the chance of getting breast cancer among postmenopausal women not reduced. However, the available evidence is still limited and insufficient to draw firm conclusions.

Original title:
Vitamin D Supplementation and Breast Cancer Prevention: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials by Sperati F, Vici P, [...], Barba M.


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Find here more studies on vitamin d.


Een hoog vitamine D bloedniveau verlaagt suikerziekte type 2

Research Question:
A high blood vitamin D level lowers the chances of getting diabetes type 2?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 21 prospective cohort studies with participants, of which 76220 4996 people with diabetes type 2.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that the highest 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level compared to the lowest, the chances of getting type 2 diabetes significantly with 38% [95% CI = 0.54-0.70] reduced.

The researchers found in a spline regression model that a higher 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level monotonous was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This reduced risk was not dependent on gender, duration of the follow-up, the sample size, the diagnostic criteria of diabetes or the determination method of 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level.

The researchers found that every increase of the 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level with 10 nmol/L, the chance of getting type 2 diabetes significantly with 4% [95% CI = 3–6, P for linear trend 0.0001] reduced.

On the basis of the found results the researchers concluded that a high 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level the chances of getting diabetes type 2 reduced.

Original title:
Blood 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis of prospective studies by Song Y, Wang L, [...], Hu FB.


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Each 100 IU (2.5 mcg) Vitamin D3 can after 2 to 3 months swallow the blood value of 25 (OH) D with 1 ng/mL (2.5 nmol/L) increase. 1 ng/mL = 2.5 nmol/L 1 mcg = 40 IU of vitamin d.
An increase of 10 nmol/L corresponds to 400 IU of vitamin D for 2-3 months.

Read more about vitamin d.


Vitamine D-supplementen verlaagt niet suikerziekte type 2

Research Question:
Observational studies report a consistent association between low vitamin D blood concentration and increased blood sugar and the risk of getting type 2 diabetes, but the results in Rcts are contradictory and therefore was carried out this review article.

Swallowing vitamin D lowers the chances of getting diabetes type 2?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 35 Rcts with 43407 patients.

There was no question of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that taking vitamin D had no significant effect on insulin resistance, expressed as HOMA-IR [MD =-0.04, 95% CI =-0.30 to 0.22, I2 = 45%].

The researchers found that taking vitamin D had no significant effect on insulin secretion, expressed as HOMA-B [MD = 1.64, 95% CI =-25.94 to 29.22, I2 = 40%].

The researchers found that taking vitamin D had no significant effect on the HbA1c value [MD =-0.05%, 95% CI =-0.12 to 0.03, I2 = 55%].

The researchers concluded that swallowing of vitamin D the chances of getting diabetes type 2 is not reduced.

Original title:
Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Improving Glucose Homeostasis and Preventing Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Seida JC, Mitri J, [...] Johnson, Yes.


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Find here more studies on vitamin d.


Vitamine D-supplementen verlaagt niet suikerziekte type 2

Research Question:
Observational studies report a consistent association between low vitamin D blood concentration and increased blood sugar and the risk of getting type 2 diabetes, but the results in Rcts are contradictory and therefore was carried out this review article.

Swallowing vitamin D lowers the chances of getting diabetes type 2?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 35 Rcts with 43407 patients.

There was no question of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that taking vitamin D had no significant effect on insulin resistance, expressed as HOMA-IR [MD =-0.04, 95% CI =-0.30 to 0.22, I2 = 45%].

The researchers found that taking vitamin D had no significant effect on insulin secretion, expressed as HOMA-B [MD = 1.64, 95% CI =-25.94 to 29.22, I2 = 40%].

The researchers found that taking vitamin D had no significant effect on the HbA1c value [MD =-0.05%, 95% CI =-0.12 to 0.03, I2 = 55%].

The researchers concluded that swallowing of vitamin D the chances of getting diabetes type 2 is not reduced.

Original title:
Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Improving Glucose Homeostasis and Preventing Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Seida JC, Mitri J, [...] Johnson, Yes.


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Find here more studies on vitamin d.


Een hoge vitamine D bloedwaarde verlaagt bloeddruk

Research Question:
High vitamin D blood value lowers the chances of getting high blood pressure?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 8 prospective cohort studies with 55816 283537 participants and people with high blood pressure. The study duration ranged between 1 and 14 years.

There was no heterogeneity between the studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in 5 studies that increasing the vitamin D blood value per 10 ng/mL compared to the baseline, the chances of getting high blood pressure significantly with 12% [95% CI = 0.81-0.97] reduced.

The researchers concluded that high vitamin D blood value the chance of getting high blood pressure lowered.

Original title:
Vitamin D and risk of future hypertension: meta-analysis of 283,537 participants by Kunutsor SK, Antoinette Apekey TA and Sturgeon M.


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The best way to get enough vitamin D is through sunlight and/or dietary supplements.
Find here more studies on vitamin d.


Vitamine D-gehalte boven 75 nmol/L verbetert de overlevingskansen van zowel patiënten met dikke darmkanker als borstkanker

Research Question:
Is there a relationship between the serum vitamin D levels and survival rates among both colon cancer and breast cancer patients?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 5 prospective cohort studies with cancer patients and borskankerpatiënten 2330 thick 4413.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the total mortality (death to) under thick darmkankerpatitënten significantly with 29% [95% CI = 0.55-0.91] reduced.

The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the colon cancer-related mortality among thick darmkankerpatitënten significantly with 35% [95% CI = 0.49-0.86] reduced.

The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the total mortality among borskankerpatiënten significantly with 38% [95% CI = 0.49-0.78] reduced.

The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the breast cancer-related mortality among borskankerpatiënten significantly with 42% [95% CI = 0.38-0.84] reduced.

The researchers concluded that a higher serum vitamin D levels (> 75 nmol/L) the mortality (death to) under both patients with colon cancer as breast cancer reduced. Randomized and controlled trials (Rcts) are needed to assess whether vitamin D supplementation survivability under both colon and breast cancer patients with lower vitamin D levels ( 50 nmol/L) in diagnosis and for treatment, can improve.

Original title:
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and survival-in colorectal and breast cancer patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies by JM, Maalmi H, Ordóñez-Mena [...], Brenner H.


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Find here more studies on vitamin d.

Een vitamine D-bloedwaarde lager dan 50 nmol/L tijdens de zwangerschap verhoogt pre-eclampsie, zwangerschapdiabetes, een vroeggeboorte en een SGA-baby

Research Question:
Increases low vitamin D blood value during pregnancy the chance of getting preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, a premature birth or a SGA baby?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 24 observational studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a vitamin D blood value is less than 50 nmol/L during pregnancy, the chances of getting preeclampsia (pregnancy toxaemia) significantly with 109% [95% CI = 1.50-2.90] increased. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a vitamin D blood value is less than 50 nmol/L during pregnancy, the chances of getting gestational diabetes significantly with 38% [95% CI = 1.12-1.70] increased.

The researchers found that a vitamin D blood value is less than 50 nmol/L during pregnancy, the chances of getting a premature birth significantly with 58% [95% CI = 1.08-2.31] increased.

The researchers found that a vitamin D blood value is less than 50 nmol/L during pregnancy, the chances of getting an SGA baby significantly with 52% [95% CI = 1.08-2.15] increased.

The researchers concluded that a vitamin D blood value is less than 50 nmol/L during pregnancy the chance of getting preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, a premature birth and SGA baby increased.

Original title:
Maternal vitamin D status and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Wei SQ, Qi HP, [...], Fraser WD.


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Read more about studies on vitamin d.