Vitamine D-gehalte boven 75 nmol/L verbetert de overlevingskansen van zowel patiënten met dikke darmkanker als borstkanker

Research Question:
Is there a relationship between the serum vitamin D levels and survival rates among both colon cancer and breast cancer patients?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 5 prospective cohort studies with cancer patients and borskankerpatiënten 2330 thick 4413.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the total mortality (death to) under thick darmkankerpatitënten significantly with 29% [95% CI = 0.55-0.91] reduced.

The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the colon cancer-related mortality among thick darmkankerpatitënten significantly with 35% [95% CI = 0.49-0.86] reduced.

The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the total mortality among borskankerpatiënten significantly with 38% [95% CI = 0.49-0.78] reduced.

The researchers found that a high serum vitamin D levels the breast cancer-related mortality among borskankerpatiënten significantly with 42% [95% CI = 0.38-0.84] reduced.

The researchers concluded that a higher serum vitamin D levels (> 75 nmol/L) the mortality (death to) under both patients with colon cancer as breast cancer reduced. Randomized and controlled trials (Rcts) are needed to assess whether vitamin D supplementation survivability under both colon and breast cancer patients with lower vitamin D levels ( 50 nmol/L) in diagnosis and for treatment, can improve.

Original title:
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and survival-in colorectal and breast cancer patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies by JM, Maalmi H, Ordóñez-Mena [...], Brenner H.


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