Research Question:
Swallowing of vitamin C lowers the chances of getting complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) after surgery or injury?
Study Design:
This overview article contained 4 Rcts.
The dosage of vitamin C was not less than 500 mg a day for 45-50 days. There was no heterogeneity.
Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that swallowing a minimum of 500 mg of vitamin C per day for 45-50 days right after a major surgery or injury, the chances of getting complex regional pain syndrome significantly with 78% [RR = 0.22, 95% CI = 0.12-0.39] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.
The researchers concluded that the routine at least 500 mg daily swallowing vitamin C, the chances of getting complex regional pain syndrome after a major surgery (a foot or ankle surgery) or injury reduced.
Original title:
Efficacy and safety of high-dose vitamin C on complex regional pain syndrome in extremity trauma and surgery--systematic review and meta-analysis by Shibuya N, Humphers JM, [...], Jupiter DC.
Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about vitamin C.
200-300 g of vegetables and 2-5 pieces of fruit per day on average 200 mg vitamin C.
It is not possible 500 mg of vitamin C to get through nutrition.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is (chronic) pain disorder characterized by pain and changes in color and temperature of the skin. There is also often involve swelling. Other symptoms that may occur include movement restrictions, a change in the sweat pattern, cramping of hands and feet (Dystonia) and changes in skin, hair and nail growth.
CRPS is a condition that occurs at all ages, but more often in people between 45 and 60 years and more in women (75%) than in men.