Donkergroene bladgroenten verlagen mogelijk de kans op het krijgen van suikerziekte type 2

Research Question:
Eating dark green leafy vegetables lowers the chances of getting diabetes type 2?

Study Design:
A meta-analysis of 6 prospective cohort studies with 223 512 participants, an age of 30 to 74 years and an average follow-up time of 13.4 years (4.6-23 years). There was heterogeneity between the studies.

Want to say the prospective subjects are followed over time. In other words, the subjects have at the beginning of the study no diabetes type 2.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating 143 g dark leafy green vegetables per day the chances of getting type 2 diabetes significantly reduced by 14%. The hazard ratio was 0.86 [95% CI = 0.77-0.96, p = 0.01). Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

But eating fruits and vegetables (alone or combined) not reduced the chances of getting diabetes type 2.

The researchers concluded that eating dark leafy green vegetables (143 grams per day) the chances of getting diabetes type 2 may be reduced. Possible because there was heterogeneity between the studies.

Original title:
Fruit and vegetable intake and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis by Carter P, Gray LJ, [...], Davies MJ.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Dark green leafy vegetables are Kale, spinach, watercress, turnip stalks, Bok Choy and broccoli.

The main cause of type 2 diabetes is overweight (a BMI > = 25). Diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes are completely different diseases and are therefore treated differently.

When in an overview article heterogeneity between the studies found, should be interpreted with caution the conclusion found.