Research Question:
A high blood vitamin D level lowers the chances of getting diabetes type 2?
Study Design:
This overview article contained 21 prospective cohort studies with participants, of which 76220 4996 people with diabetes type 2.
Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that the highest 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level compared to the lowest, the chances of getting type 2 diabetes significantly with 38% [95% CI = 0.54-0.70] reduced.
The researchers found in a spline regression model that a higher 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level monotonous was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This reduced risk was not dependent on gender, duration of the follow-up, the sample size, the diagnostic criteria of diabetes or the determination method of 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level.
The researchers found that every increase of the 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level with 10 nmol/L, the chance of getting type 2 diabetes significantly with 4% [95% CI = 3–6, P for linear trend 0.0001] reduced.
On the basis of the found results the researchers concluded that a high 25 (OH) D vitamin D blood level the chances of getting diabetes type 2 reduced.
Original title:
Blood 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis of prospective studies by Song Y, Wang L, [...], Hu FB.
Additional information about El Mondo:
Each 100 IU (2.5 mcg) Vitamin D3 can after 2 to 3 months swallow the blood value of 25 (OH) D with 1 ng/mL (2.5 nmol/L) increase. 1 ng/mL = 2.5 nmol/L 1 mcg = 40 IU of vitamin d.
An increase of 10 nmol/L corresponds to 400 IU of vitamin D for 2-3 months.
Read more about vitamin d.