Foliumzuursupplementen verlagen het homocysteïnegehalte bij mensen met suikerziekte type 2

Research questi
on: the evidence for the effects of folic acid on plasma homocysteine levels and the total the glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes are contradictory. It was therefore carried out this review ar

ticle.The total plasma homocysteine levels and folic acid supplements improve the glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes

?Study desig
n: this overview article contained 4 studies with 183 patients with diabetes ty

pe 2. results and conclu
sions: the meta-analysis showed that folic acid supplements had a significant effect on the total plasma homocysteine levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The weighted mean difference was-3.52 [95% CI =-4.44 to-2.60]. Significant is, there is a link at 95% reliability.

The meta-analysis showed that folic acid supplements had a non-significant effect on the HbA1c levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The weighted mean difference was-0.37 [95% CI =-1.10 to 0.35]. Non-significant is, there is no link.

The researchers concluded that folic acid supplements the total plasma homocysteine levels in patients with type 2 diabetes reduced and there was a trend to recognize in improving glycemic control.Original title: Eff

ect of folic acid sup
plementation on plasma total homocysteine levels and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Sudchada P, Saokaewemail S, [...],

ence/article/pii/S016882271200215XExtra information from Khaith

ong w. Link: El Mondo: read m
ore about folic acid and homocysteine levels in the presentation the high folic acid.