Research Question:
The chemopreventive action of Allium vegetables (onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, chives, etc.) is extensively studied, but their effect on getting stomach cancer is controversial. Therefore this verzichtsartikel run.
Allium vegetables eating lowers the chances of getting stomach cancer?
Study Design:
This overview article contained 19 case-control studies and 2 cohort studies with 543220 participants.
Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in a pooled analysis of all studies, that eating a lot of Allium vegetables compared to little, the chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 46% [odds ratio (or) = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.43-0.65] reduced.
The researchers found in specific analyses for onion, garlic, leek, Chinese chives and shallots similar results.
The researchers found that each increase in case-control studies with 20 grams of Allium vegetables each day, the chances of getting stomach cancer significantly with 9% [95% CI = 0.88-0.94] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.
The researchers concluded that eating a lot of Allium vegetables per day (minimum 20 grams) reduced the chance of getting stomach cancer.
Original title:
Consumption or large amounts or Allium vegetables reduces risk for gastric cancer in a meta-analysis by Zhou Y, Zhuang W, [...] Wu XT.
Additional information about El Mondo:
Allium vegetables are onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, chives, etc.. Allium is the Latin name for look, a genus mainly of ground with worldwide almost seven hundred varieties.
The daily recommendation is 200-300 grams of vegetables per day.
This meal delivers 120 grams of Allium vegetables