Research Question:
Although laboratory studies suggest that long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the risk of getting asthma, epidemiological data remain controversial and inconclusive. It was therefore carried out this review article.
Lowers eating fish or taking fish oil supplements the chance of getting asthma?
Study Design:
This overview article contained 11 prospective cohort studies and 4 RCTs with a total of 99093 participants, of which 32226 people with asthma.
Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in 3 studies in children, that the consumption of many fish compared to little, the chance of getting asthma significantly with 25% [95% CI = 0.61-0.94, I2 = 11.5%] reduced.
The researchers found in 2 studies that a high-value n3 Pufas blood during pregnancy the likelihood of getting a child with asthma significantly with 29% [95% CI = 0.52-0.96, I2 = 0%] reduced.
The researchers found in studies with adults, of which 3 82553 1311 adults with asthma, no significant association between the consumption of both fish and n3-Pufas and getting asthma.
The researchers concluded that both consumption of fish as a high-value n3 Pufas blood during pregnancy, the chances of getting asthma in children reduced.
Original title:
Fish and fish oil intake in relation to risk of asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Yang H, Xun P and Hey K.
Additional information about El Mondo:
A high-value n3 Pufas blood during pregnancy can come by eating fish and/or swallowing fish oil supplements.
Children are encouraged to get 150 mg EPA and DHA daily. N3-Pufas are EPA, DHA and alpha-linolenic acid. What fish you can deliver 150 mg EPA and DHA look up here.