- Dietary fiber, also called "ballast substances", is a collection of substances not be digested in the small intestine. They come so unchanged in the colon where they exert positive effects on the body.
- Dietary fiber or fibers are chemically carbohydrates that give firmness to plants.
- Dietary fiber do not occur in animal products. They come only in plant products, such as vegetables, fruits and nuts for.
- Dietary fiber do not provide nutrients to the body but they are important for proper bowel function.
There are 2 types of dietary fiber:
Non-fermentable dietary fiber, also known as insoluble fiber called. Insoluble fiber works like a sponge in the colon: they take on moisture. As a result, hard, dry stool soft and supple. Loose stools is referred to by the sponge effect just thickened. Non-fermentable dietary fiber give a longer satiety.
Insoluble fiber are especially in whole grain and grain products, such as whole wheat bread, brown bread, muesli, Granola, oatmeal and bran.
Examples of non-fermentable fibers are: resistant starch, hemi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin. -
Fermentable dietary fiber, also known as soluble fiber called. Fermentable dietary fiber also take water on, albeit less than the non-fermentable fibers. They are mostly well water soluble and also bind bile acids, glucose, cholesterol and fatty acids to itself. They are broken down by intestinal bacteria in the large intestine. The short-chain fatty acids, substances that promote the release, such as bowel function.
Fermentable fibers occur mainly in vegetables, fruits and legumes.Non-fermentable dietary fiber give a longer satiety, while fermentable dietary fibers promote bowel function.
Non-fermentable dietary fiber, also known as insoluble fiber called. Insoluble fiber works like a sponge in the colon: they take on moisture. As a result, hard, dry stool soft and supple. Loose stools is referred to by the sponge effect just thickened. Non-fermentable dietary fiber give a longer satiety.
- In food, these 2 types of fiber next to each other. In one product are more soluble fiber than insoluble and vice versa.
- Dietary fiber that serve as food for the good intestinal bacteria in the colon, are called Prebiotics. Prebiotics are fermentable fibers.
The EFSA has adopted no health claims of Prebiotics in 2013.
In the year 2013 is not punishable by law approved health claims of Prebiotics on food packaging and food supplements to put. -
The most well-known Prebiotics are:
- Inulin (is to high fiber white bread added).
- Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS to baby food as CIS and added).
- Pectins (as thickening agents added to soft drinks).
- Glucans from grain products.
- Dietary fiber supply per gram 2 kcal.
Dietary fiber in the food industry are often used as thickening agents such as pectin and gums. Thickening agents for food law E-numbers.
Thickening agents improve the mouthfeel of diet drinks and sugar-free soft drinks. - A high-fiber diet is a diet with a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal.
Recommendations of dietary fiber:
25-30 grams of dietary fiber per day.
25 grams of dietary fiber per day corresponds to a daily diet with at least 1.3 grams of fiber per 100 kcal and 30 grams of fiber corresponds to a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal. - The minimum limit for the fiber intake for children over 2 years is "the age + 5" g and the maximum intake is "the age + 10" g.
- Still no specific recommendation for soluble and insoluble dietary fibre.
25-30 grams of dietary fiber per day.
Soluble fiber |
Not soluble fiber |
Strawberries |
Brown rice |
Apples |
Bulgur |
Beans |
Couscous |
Blueberries |
Zucchini |
Dried peas |
Barley |
Vegetables |
Cucumbers |
Oatmeal |
Muesli |
Oat Bran |
Celery |
Lentils |
Wheat Bran |
Nuts and seeds |
Tomatoes |
Pears |
Whole Wheat Bread |
Roots |
Seeds |
Scientific studies on dietary fiber:
The review articles (meta-analyses) of randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind human studies (Rcts) answer the following question:
"Is swallowing food supplements make sense?". Yes at a positive conclusion and no in the case of a negative conclusion.
The review articles (meta-analyses) of cohort studies or case-control studies answer the following question:
"Should I change my diet?".
- Oatmeal lowers the fasting insulin levels
- 10 grams of fiber a day reduces death from heart disease
- 10 grams of fiber a day lowers total mortality
- At least 25 grams of fiber a day lowers diabetes type 2
- Fiber intake through feeding lowers possible stroke
- Standard diabetes type 2 patients benefit from fiber intake
- Dietary fiber provide protection against breast cancer
- A diet with plenty of fiber and dairy products and less refined grains, meat and sugar-rich foods and drinks lowers body weight