Karvan Cévitam 75% fruit orange.
The product does not contain any dyes and no added sugar.
75% fruit Orange:
The product is called 75% fruit. But what does 75% fruit anyway?
When consulting the ingredients list falls to read that 75% 75% fruit juice from fruit juice concentrate State. But what is meant by the law under fruit juice concentrate? Fruit juices in the Decree States that fruit juice from concentrate:
goods which is obtained by adding again to concentrated fruit juice:
the amount of water extracted from that juice during concentration;
the disappeared from the juice but during the production process of the fruit juice, or of the fruit juice of the same kind, retrieved on flavourings; and
where appropriate, pulp and cells;
In other words, for the law is nothing but fruit juice concentrate concentrated juice with hardly any water, fibres, vitamins and aromas. In other words, fruit juice concentrate not on fresh fruit seems to be in the vertste! So the word "fruit" on the package does not have the same meaning as fruit from a fruit basket!
The product is called 75% fruit orange. The name gives the suggestion that this product from 75% Orange exists. When consulting the ingredients list falls to read that 75% fruit Orange from only 26% Orange exists. The remaining 49% is Mandarin, Apple and rosehip. But how many percent Mandarin is in this product anyway?
The ingredients list shows that the word "Mandarin" for the word "orange" State. That is, the percentage of Mandarin orange in this product is higher than the percentage. In other words, 75% fruit Orange consists of more than 26% Mandarin or there is more Mandarin than orange in 75% fruit Orange!
So 75% fruit orange is a misleading name and is therefore inconsistent with the food law.
As a consumer's good to know that the order of the ingredients in the ingredients list is established by law. The ingredients list always starts with the ingredient that the largest percentage in the product delivers and ends with the ingredient with the lowest rate in the product.
Mandarin and Apple juice concentrate are cheap fruit juice concentrates and are therefore often used to sapgehalte up to the legal requirement. The legal claim in this case is 75%.
The manufacturer claims that this product in Orange (hence the name 75% orange) is the percentage of the law and so he has orange in the ingredients list release. He claims also that in this product not Mandarin, Apple and rosehip is he of the law and therefore the percentage of Mandarin, Apple and rosehip also not to release.
As a consumer's good to know that the manufacturer against releasing the percentage in the ingredients list. Releasing the percentage that makes the product easy to duplicate and that the manufacturer does not!
15% RDA vitamins:
In this product are 5 vitamins that each delivers 15% RDA per 100 ml (see table nutritional value per 100 ml). 15% RDA per 100 ml is the minimum legal requirement to be able to claim that vitamins in the product. In other words, when the manufacturer vitamins (but also minerals) to add a product, he must always add at least 15% RDA per 100 ml.
Hence, the consumer often 15% AHD on the packaging encounters.
That this product artificially (i.e. not submitted by fruit juice concentrate) vitamins is added, can be seen in the ingredients list. What in the ingredients list will be artificially added during production. In the ingredients list of this product is that the word "vitamins" to read.
It is cheap vitamins from a bag than fruit juice concentrate.
15% RDA betrays that the manufacturer is not so much to the health of consumers. Because if he really gives the health of consumers then he has added more than 15% RDA per 100 ml. But that he has not done. The reason behind this is, it's not so much how many vitamins the manufacturer in the product. It comes to him before the word vitamin to put on the package and that should not take the law from 15% RDA.
The RDA of vitamins on the packaging is submitted by the consumer goods Act and not by the Health Council of the Netherlands. In other words, as a consumer, you have nothing to the RDA on the packaging because the AHD of the commodities Act does not always reflect those of the Health Council of the Netherlands! The AHD of the Health Council of the Netherlands can be found on the website of the food centre.
Citric Acid:
In this product about acidifier citric acid. Acidifier is for the law an E-number. Citric acid is necessary for the product to a requirement to bring around acidity of 3.5. An acidity of around 3.5 is required to give the product a few months. In other words, an acidity of 3.5 is a conservation technique.
Although the product has a pH of around 3.5, tastes the product is not acid. That's because the sugars in this product the sour taste masking. Buttermilk, for example, has a pH of 4.4, much higher than 3.5 and yet tastes like buttermilk acid. That's because in buttermilk no sugars that the sour taste masking.
As a consumer's good to know that when in a product citric acid or carbon dioxide is, also always sugars, sweeteners or citrate are. Sugars, sweeteners and citrate can namely the sour taste, caused by carbonic acid citric acid or masking.
Potassium Sorbate:
The product contains the preservative potassium sorbate. Potassium sorbate is a cheap preservative and is therefore often used. Because the amount of citric acid is not sufficient to give this product a few months is potassium sorbate added.
As a consumer's good to know that the food industry multiple techniques (adding citric acid, carbonic acid and potassium sorbate) used to preserve a product.
This product contains a preservative but preservative consumer has a negative image. Therefore "contains a preservative" on the package left out!
No sugar added:
On the packaging is to read "no sugar added". No sugar added is a nutrition claim and the manufacturer may only put this nutrition claim on the package when he during production no sugar in the form of sucrose, glucose and/or glucose fructose syrup has added. But the ingredients list shows, however, that the manufacturer during production have such sugars sucrose and glucose fructose syrup in the form added. In the ingredients list, namely the word "sugar or sucrose" and "glucose-fructose syrup" to read.
In other words, the manufacturer violates the law here because the "nutrition claim" no sugar added "meets does not meet the legal requirement. This is a gross error and NVWA will the manufacturer on the fingers have to click!
Is there E-numbers in?
Yes in this product are 4 E-numbers. Is citric acid E330, vitamin C is E300, potassium sorbate is E202 and vitamin E is E309.
Vitamins are food industry E-numbers!
What is healthier?
Karvan Cévitam 75% fruit orange or orange from a fruit basket?
Nutritional Values:
This product delivers per 200 ml prepared product And 0.53% protein, 96 and% carbohydrates (of which 96 And% simple sugars) and 0 And% fat. By its high content of simple sugars product tastes sweet.
Overweight people are advised to choose products with up to 25 and% simple sugars.