Voeding en gezondheid

Visoliesupplementen verlagen mogelijk suikerziekte type 2

Research Question:
Increases swallowing fish oil supplements the adiponectinegehalte?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 14 Rcts with 682 participants in the fish oil group and 641 in the placeco-group.

There was heterogeneity (I2 = 72.9%) and publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that taking fish oil supplements the adiponectinegehalte significantly with 0.37 g/mL [95% CI = 0.07-0.67, p = 0.02] increased.

The researchers concluded that fish oil supplements may be the adiponectinegehalte increased. Possible because there was publication bias and unexplained heterogeneity.

Original title:
Effect of Fish Oil on Circulating Adiponectin: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials by JEFF Wu, Cahill LE and Mozaffarian D.


Additional information about El Mondo:
In fish oil supplements are mainly visvetzuren EPA and DHA. Read more about EPA and DHA.

The conclusion of a review article is only reliable when there is no heterogeneity and publication bias.

People who are overweight (BMI > 25) have a lower adiponectinegehalte than people with healthy weight (BMI = 18.5-25).
Adiponectin is a hormone that is made and pretty much just issued by the adipose tissue. High levels of this hormone in the blood are associated with a high insulin sensitivity and a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Obesity is a major cause of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Minimaal 100 gram vis per week verlaagt de ziekte van Alzheimer

Research Question:
Lowers eating fish or long chain omega-3 fatty acids the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained prospective cohort studies.
There was a low heterogeneity between the studies and within the subgroups.                                                                                              

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that both eating lots of long chain omega-3 fatty acids as fish the chance of getting dementia not significantly reduced [RR respectively = 0.97, 95% CI = 0.85-1.10 and RR = 0.84, 95% CI = 0.71-1.01].

The researchers found that eating a lot of long chain omega-3 fatty acids, the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease are not significantly by 11% [RR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.74-1.08] reduced.
Not significant is, there cannot be said with 95% reliability that eating lots of long chain omega-3 fatty acids, the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease reduced.

The researchers found that eating a lot of fish, the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease significantly with 36% [RR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.44-0.92] reduced.

The researchers found that eating 100 grams of fish per week, the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease significantly with 11% [RR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.79-0.99] reduced.

The researchers concluded that eating a lot of fish (at least 100 grams per week) the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease (and not dementia) reduced.

Original title:
Omega-3 fatty acids intake and risks of dementia and Alzheimer's disease: A meta-analysis by Wu S, Thing Y, [...], Mao P.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies eating fish.

Geen verband tussen het eten van α-linoleenzuur en prostaatkanker

Research Question:
α-linolenic acid (ALA) is considered as a heart-protective nutrient, however some epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of ALA increases the risk of prostate cancer. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Α-linolenic acid eating increases the chance of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 12 studies (7 case-control studies and 5 prospective cohort studies) with 14795 patients with prostate cancer and 231143 controls (those without prostate cancer).

The dosage of α-linolenic acid was 0.05-4.16 g per day and was obtained through FAHIM.
There was no question of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer not significant with 8% [95% CI = 1.29-0.90, p = 0.40, I2 = 85%, p 0.00001] increased. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in 7 case-control studies (4047 4762 patients and controls) that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer does not significantly with 30% [95% CI = 0.81-2.07, p = 0.27, I2 = 90%, p 0.00001] increased. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in 5 prospective cohort studies (10748 207752 patients and controls) that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer does not significantly with 5% [95% CI = 0.84-1.09, p = 0.59, I2 = 69%, p 0.01] reduced.
But in the sensitivity analysis where 1 cohort study was omitted (which disappeared the heterogeneity) researchers found that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer significantly with 9% [95% CI = 0.83-0.99, p = 0.02, I2 = 8%, p = 0.35] reduced.

The researchers concluded that there is no connection existed between the food of α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer.

Original title:
Case – control and dietary α-linolenic acid intake or prospective studies and prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis by Carleton, AJ, Sievenpiper JL, [...], Jenkins DJA.


Additional information about El Mondo:
α-linolenic acid is in some vegetable oils. The main sources of α-linolenic acid are: flax seed oil (55%), Sacha Inchi oil (-48%), Chia seed (18%), walnuts (10%), rice bran oil (1%) and further slightly in green leafy vegetables.

How many α-linolenic acid (ALA) in a product, you can look up here.
Read more about fats.


Geen verband tussen plantensterolen en hart- en vaatziekten

Research Question:
The impact of the increased serum concentrations of plant sterols on cardiovascular risk is unclear. Therefore, a systematic literature review and meta-analysis performed to investigate whether there is a link between the serum concentrations of two common plant sterols (sitosterol and campesterol) and the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Plant sterols content in the blood lowers the chances of getting heart disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 17 studies (4 case-control studies, 5 3 nested case-control studies, cohort studies and 5 cross-sectional studies) with 11182 participants.
8 studies reported the relative risk of cardiovascular disease and 15 studies the serum concentration of plant sterols. The average age was 48 to 78 years and there was talk of publication bias, suggesting it's not publishing small studies without significant results.

Results and conclusions:
The relative risk of the serum concentration campesterol was non-significant 1.02 [95% CI = 0.94-1.09, p = 0.675]. Non-significant means no link.

The relative risk of the serum concentration sitosterol was non-significant 1.06 [95% CI = 0.84-1.34, p = 0.644].

The researcher concluded that there was no evidence that there is a correlation between the serum concentration on plant sterols and the risk of heart disease.

Original title:
Plant sterols and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Gabriel B, Silbernagel G, [...], März W.



Additional information about El Mondo:
90% of the plant sterols in nutrition and blood are sitosterol and campesterol.

The EFSA has the following claim of plant sterols/stanols-approved:
a daily intake of 3 (range 2.6-3.4) grams of plant sterols/stanols-lowers the LDL cholesterol by 11%.
EFSA considers that the minimum required expensive to the maximum effect of plant sterols/stanols on the LDL-cholesterol levels-is two to three weeks. This text is not on the package of the food!
From december 2012, the manufacturers still only approved claims of the EFSA on the food packaging and food supplements.

There is besides a high LDL-cholesterol levels have other risk factors that the chance of getting heart disease. In other words, eating products with added plant sterols/stanols-do not give the guarantee that cardiovascular disease occurs.
In products with added plant sterols/stanols are relationship-too much fat (> 35 and%) and saturated fat (> 10 and%). Fat and saturated fat are risk factors of heart disease.

Mensen met overgewicht verliezen met een vetarm of koolhydraatarm dieet na 6 maanden 8-9 kg

Research Question:
Many claims are made about the superiority of a diet over another for inducing weight loss. However, what diet is best, remains unclear. It was therefore carried out this review article.

What is the best diet to lose weight for overweight people?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 48 Rcts with 7286 participants.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a low carbohydrate diet the body weight after 6 months significantly with 8.73 kg [95% CI = 8.99 to 10.20 kg] and after 12 months significantly with 7.25 kg [95% CI = 5.33 to 9.25 kg] reduced.

The researchers found that a low-fat diet the body weight after 6 months significantly with 7.99 kg [95% CI = 6.01 to 9.92 kg] and after 12 months significantly with 7.27 kg [95% CI = 5.26 to 9.34 kg] reduced.

The researchers found that the difference in weight loss was minimal between the different diets. So the Atkins diet after 6 months to 1.71 kg more weight loss than the Zone diet.

The researchers also found that a successful weight loss not only was due to follow a diet. So lost people who change their eating habits, got support after 6 months 3.23 kg [95% CI = 2.23 to 4.23 kg] to body weight and 1.08 kg [95% CI =-1.82 to 3.96 kg] after 12 months. People who did regular exercise, after 6 months lost 0.64 kg [95% CI =-0.35 to 1.66 kg] and 2.13 kg [95% CI = 0.43 to 3.85 kg] after 12 months.

The researchers concluded that following a carbohydrate or low-fat diet reduced weight loss among overweight people. However, for the weight loss it doesn't matter or is chosen for a FAT or a low-carbohydrate diet.

Original title:
Comparison of Weight Loss Among Overweight and Obese AdultsA Named Diet Programs in Meta-analysis by Johnston BC, K S, [...], Mills EJ.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Overweight people have a BMI greater than 25. Overweight people are advised to choose products by 20-30% fat, And 0-7 and% saturated fat, 20-40 and 10-25% carbohydrates, And% sugars and a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal. Which products from the supermarket And 20-30% fat, 0-7 and% saturated fat, 20-40 and 10-25% carbohydrates, And% sugars and a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal, you can look up here.

A koolhydraatnarm diet is a diet with 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And 10-25%. The easiest way to follow a low-carb diet, is by eating only products And also 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And contain 10-25%. What products And 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And 10-25%, you can look up here.
But the most practical way to a low carbohydrate diet to follow, is by choosing products that an average of 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And 10-25%.

A low-fat diet is a diet with 20-30% fat, of which 0-7 and% saturated fat.
A high protein diet is a diet And 20-35% protein.
A high-fiber diet is a diet with a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal.

Find here more studies on obesity.

Een laag vet dieet verlaagt het cholesterolgehalte in premenopauzale vrouwen

Research Question:
A low fat diet lowers cholesterol levels in women?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 8 RCTs with 1536 women, of which 900 in the intervention group and 636 in the control group.

There was no heterogeneity.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a low fat diet total cholesterol significantly with 0.49 mmol/L [95% CI =-0.69 to-0.29, I2 = 42%, p 0.00001] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a low fat diet the HDL-cholesterol levels significantly with 0.12 mmol/L [95% CI =-0.20 to-0.05, I2 = 49%, p = 0.00006] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a low fat diet the LDL-cholesterol levels significantly with 0.24 mmol/L [95% CI = 0.38-to-0.09, I2 = 42%, p = 0.001] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

In the subgroup analysis, the researchers found that a low fat diet the total, HDL and LDL-cholesterol levels significantly in Premenopausal but not in postmenopausal women reduced.

The researchers found no significant differences for the triglyceride levels and the LDL: HDL ratio.

The researchers concluded that a low fat diet the total, HDL and LDL cholesterol levels in premenopausal women reduced.

Original title:
Effects of low-fat diet on serum lipids in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by Wu L, Ma D, [...], Hey Z.


Additional information about El Mondo:
A low fat diet is a daily diet with up to 30% fat, And of which, a maximum of 7 and% saturated fat.
An easy way to follow a low fat diet, is to choose products that are also up to 30 And up to 7% And% fat and saturated fat supply.
Which products in the grocery store And up to 30% fat and deliver up to 7 And% saturated fat, you can look up here.

Een voedingspatroon laag in verzadigd vet en omega-6 vetzuren biedt bescherming tegen hart- en vaatziekte en kanker

Research Question:
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer are important causes of death in most countries. But clinical and epidemiological studies fail to give a clear biological explanation for the effect of different fats in diet on the risk of heart disease and cancer. The purpose of this review article was therefore to find out the effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids intake of getting heart disease and cancer.

What is the daily optimal omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids intake to prevent heart disease and cancer?

Study Design:
This is a descriptive overview article.

Results and conclusions:
On the basis of experimental and epidemiological studies the researchers concluded that a diet low in saturated fat and low in omega-6 fatty acids the chances of getting both cardiovascular disease and cancer reduced. 4 and% or lower omega-6 fatty acids would be the optimal level. 1 to 2 and% is sufficient to a deficiency of omega-6 fatty acids in the body.

The high average intake of omega-6 fatty acids in the Western countries can explain the sustained high level of heart disease and the increased incidence of certain cancers, including breast cancer.

The intake of omega-3 fatty acids must minimal 3 grams per day for adults whose minimal 2 grams of alpha-linolenic acid.

The Mediterranean diet (low in saturated and omega-6 fatty acids, but rich in vegetable monounsaturated fatty acids) seems to be the best approach to reduce the risk of getting both to reduce heart disease and cancer, in particular breast cancer.

Original title:
New insights into the health effects of dietary saturated and omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by the Lorgeril M and Salen P.



Additional information about El Mondo:
Omega-3 fatty acids are EPA, DHA and alpha-linolenic acid and omega-6 fatty acids are linoleic acid and arachidonic acid.
Read more about omega-3 fatty acids in the presentation fats.



Vis en LC-PUFA verlagen niet alvleesklierkanker

Research Question:
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) would be beneficial in preventing pancreatic cancer, but the relationship between the consumption of fish or LC-PUFA and pancreatic cancer found in epidemiological studies is controversial and inconclusive. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating fish or LC-PUFA lowers the chances of getting pancreatic cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 9 cohort studies with 1209265 participants, of which 3082 people with pancreatic cancer and an average follow-up period of 9 years. This review article also contained further 10 case-control studies with 2514 patients with pancreatic cancer and 18779 controls (people without pancreatic cancer).

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in 8 cohort studies that compared with the lowest fish consumption, the highest fish consumption the chance of getting pancreatic cancer non-significant with 2% [RR = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.86-1.12] reduced. Non-significant is, there is no link.

The researchers found in 9 cohort studies that compared with the lowest fish consumption, the highest fish consumption the chance of getting pancreatic cancer non-significant 4% [RR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.76-1.21] reduced. Non-significant is, there is no link.

Similar results were also found for LC-PUFA in 4 cohort studies and case-control studies 2.

The researchers concluded that there is no link existed between eating fish or LC-PUFA and the chance of getting pancreatic cancer.

Original title:
Fish or Long-Chain (n-3) PUFA Intake Is Not Associated with Pancreatic Cancer Risk in a Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review by Qin B, Xun P and Hey K.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about LC-PUFA in the presentation fats.

Why the result found in cohort studies always lower than in case-control studies can be read in the presentation design.


PUFA-supplementen geven geen verbeteringen van de visuele en de neurologische ontwikkeling bij foetus

Research Question:
The use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) during pregnancy is beneficial for both the Visual and neurological development of the fetus. However, there is still no systematic review article run.

Let PUFA supplements during pregnancy and the improvements of Visual neurological fetal development see?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 3 Rcts with Visual development as an outcome and 6 Rcts with neurological development as an outcome. Due to diverse expression of results in the infant, the studies could not be combined to a formal meta-analysis.

Results and conclusions:
Most studies could not prove that PUFA supplements in infants gave sustainable benefits in the area of cognitive and Visual development.

The researchers concluded that, at present, scientific evidence was lacking to PUFA supplements recommended to improve the Visual and neurological development in fetus. However, it is important to eat a healthy diet with sufficient PUFA.

Original title:
The Effects of Maternal Supplementation or Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Visual, Neurobehavioural and Developmental Outcomes, or the Child: A Systematic Review of the Randomized Trials by Lo A, Sienna J, [...], Koren G.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Today, sitting in all bottle feeding PUFA.
Read more about the presentation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in fats.


PUFA’s in zuigelingenvoeding verbeteren niet het cognitief vermogen van baby’s

Research Question:
Infant formula is enriched with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas or LCPUFA's) because it is assumed that they improve the cognitive ability. This meta-analysis examined the effectiveness of infant formula enriched with LCPUFA on early cognitive development.

Improve the cognitive ability of Pufas in infant formula babies?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 12 Rcts with 1802 babies. There was no significant heterogeneity between the studies of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The meta-analysis showed that adding polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) to infant formula no significant improvement on the cognitive ability of infants.

Further research is needed to determine whether adding PUFA to infants has nutritional benefits for the later cognitive development or neurological development.

Original title:
Meta-analysis of Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation of Formula and Infant Cognition by Landeros-Weisenberger A, Qawasmi A, [...], and Bloch MH.


Additional information about El Mondo:
The European food safety authority (EFSA) has the claims of Pufas in infant formula has not yet been approved. Not approved claims of EFSA is to say the majority of users yielded no benefit. In other words, choose only for the product when the claim has been approved by EFSA. It is illegal not approved claims of the EFSA to put on the packaging of infant formulae.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs stand for or polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, EPA, DHA, arachidonic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and rumenzuur.

PUFA-supplementen bieden geen bescherming tegen hart- en vaatziekten

Research Question:
There is a considerable controversy about the relationship of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) and the main cardiovascular end points. This meta-analysis of clinical studies was to the role of PUFA supplementation on major cardiovascular outcomes.

PUFA supplements decrease chances of getting heart disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 20 clinical studies with patients, of which 68680 kill 7044, 3993 cardiac death, heart attacks and sudden death, 1150 1837 1490 strokes.

Results and conclusions:
The meta-analysis showed that between swallowing PUFA supplements and total mortality no statistically significant Association existed. The relative risk was 0.96 [95% CI = 0.91-1.02]. No significance because the relative risk of 1 sat in the 95% CI of 0.91-1.02. No significance is, no connection.

The meta-analysis showed that between swallowing PUFA supplements and heart death no statistically significant Association existed.

The meta-analysis showed that between swallowing PUFA supplements and sudden death no statistically significant Association existed. The relative risk was 0.87 [95% CI = 0.75-1.01].

The meta-analysis showed that between swallowing PUFA supplements and heart attacks no statistically significant Association existed. The relative risk was 0.89 [95% CI = 0.76-1.04].

The meta-analysis showed that between swallowing PUFA supplements and strokes no statistically significant Association existed. The relative risk was 1.05 [95% CI = 0.93-1.18].

The researchers concluded that swallowing of PUFA supplements was not associated with a lower risk of total mortality, cardiac death, sudden death, heart attacks or stroke.

Original title:
Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation and Risk of Major Cardiovascular Disease Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis by Rizos EC, Ntzani EE, [...], Elisaf MS.


Additional information about El Mondo:
In advertising on the basis of scientific studies in people, claimed that foodstuffs enriched with Pufas are good for the heart and there are more and more products enriched with Pufas on the market. But review articles of studies in people can not substantiate this claim. Where is the difference? The difference is in 2 points.
Firstly, advertising only 1 or 2 studies (sometimes of poor quality) in people quoted while an overview article multiple studies (good quality).
Secondly, often in advertising studies with soft endpoints used while an overview article hard endpoints. Soft endpoints are high cholesterol or blood fat levels. Hard endpoints are death to a heart attack or stroke.
To really know if Pufas in the long run the risk of cardiovascular disease reduces, so should the conclusions of studies (preferably a review article) with hard endpoints.
Soft and hard endpoints of a scientific study are similar to the following example:
A runner that 35 km WINS, does not mean that that also 42 km WINS. So someone with high cholesterol does not mean that who also dies of a heart attack.


PUFA’s in zuigelingenvoeding verbeteren mogelijk de gezichtsscherpte van baby’s tot 12 maanden

Research Question:
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas or LCPUFA's) are supposed to be the development of the Visual acuity of infants. This meta-analysis was carried out to determine whether adding LCPUFA's to infant formulae improves visual acuity of infants.

LCPUFA's improve the Visual acuity of infants in infant formula (babies from 0 to 1 years)?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 19 Rcts with 1949 babies.

Results and conclusions:
The meta-analysis showed that adding polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) to infant formula significant improvement in Visual acuity of infants at 2, 4 and 12 months. However, there was significant heterogeneity between the studies, but no evidence of publication bias.

The secondary analysis showed no moderate effects between adding polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) to infant formula and Visual acuity.

On the basis of the found results the researchers concluded that adding polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) to infant formula the Visual acuity of baby under 12 months old may be improved.

Original title:
Meta-analysis of LCPUFA Supplementation or Infant Formula and Visual Acuity by Qawasmi, A, Landeros-Weisenberger A and Bloch, MH.


Additional information about El Mondo:
The European food safety authority (EFSA) has the claims of Pufas in infant formula has not yet been approved. Not approved claims of EFSA is to say, it is scientifically proven that the majority of users no benefit.

It is not prohibited by law from 14 december 2012 approved claims of the EFSA on the packaging of infant formulae (but also on regular diet and nutritional supplements).

Polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs stand for or polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, EPA, DHA, arachidonic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and rumenzuur.

To get a reliable picture to an overview article free of heterogeneity between the studies and are free from publication bias. When there is heterogeneity between the studies, should give a significant effect the secondary analysis. Without significant effect in the secondary analysis should be interpreted with caution the found result. Hence the conclusion of the researchers: adding polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) to infant formula possible Visual acuity improved from baby to 12 months old.


PUFA verlaagt hart- en vaatziekten

Research Question:
A reduced intake of saturated fat is recommended to reduce coronary heart disease, but strong evidence from randomized controlled trials (Rcts) is missing. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Lowers a replacement of saturated fats by polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) chances of getting heart disease?

Study Design:
This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind overzichtartikel contained 8 intervention studies (Rcts) with 13614 participants, of which 1042 with heart disease. The average PUFA intake in the control group was 5 and 4% (-6.4%) and in the intervention group And was 14.9 And% (8-20.7 and%). The average follow-up time was 4.25 years.

There was no question of heterogeneity between the studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high intake of PUFA compared with low intake, the chance of getting heart disease significantly with 19% [95% CI = 0.70-0.95, p = 0.006] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that any increase in PUFA with 5% And the chance of getting heart disease significantly with 10% [95% CI = 0.83-0.97] reduced.

The meta-regression showed that the study duration an independent determinant of the risk reduction (p = 0.017) was, with greater benefits in studies with longer follow-up duration.
The pooled RR under studies shorter than 4.25 years was 0.91 [95% CI = 0.76-1.10] and under studies longer than 4.25 year was 0.73 [95% CI = 0.61-0.87].

The researchers concluded that replacing saturated fat by PUFA chances of getting heart disease reduced.

Original title:
Effects on Coronary Heart Disease or Increasing Polyunsaturated Fat in Place of Saturated Fat: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials by Mozaffarian D, MICAH R and Wallace s.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about saturated fat and PUFA.

14.9 And% PUFA of 2000 kcal is, that the number of grams of PUFA 14.9% contributes to 2000 kcal. 14.9% of 2000 kcal corresponds to 298 kcal. 298 kcal corresponds to 33 grams of PUFA. So a daily diet of 2000 kcal with 33 grams of PUFA is good for heart and blood vessels.

Which foods contain 33 gram PUFA, you can look up here. PUFA stands for polyunsaturated fatty acids. For example, 100 grams of soybean oil 57.9 gram PUFA.


Het eten van meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren verlaagt de ziekte van Parkinson

Research Question:
Is there a relationship between eating macronutrients and getting Parkinson's?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 32 items with 677550 participants, of which 9994 people with Parkinson's disease.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found (in 7 articles with 1570 people with Parkinson's disease under 357827 participants) that eating a lot of protein compared to little, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease non-significant 13% [RR = 1.13, 95% CI = 0.88-1.44] increased. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found (in 8 articles with 1482 people with Parkinson's disease under 232869 participants) that eating lots of carbohydrates compared to little, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease significantly with 24% [RR = 1.24, 95% CI = 1.05-1.48] increased.

The researchers found (in 12 articles with 2936 people with Parkinson's disease under 374124 participants) that eating a lot of fat compared to little, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease non-significant 12% [RR = 0.88, 95% CI = 0.74-1.06] reduced.

The researchers found (in 6 articles with 1713 people with Parkinson's disease under 170058 participants) that eating a lot of cholesterol compared to little, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease 3% non-significant [RR = 0.97, 95% CI = 0.75-1.26] reduced.

The researchers found (in 8 articles with 1553 people with Parkinson's disease under 170317 participants) that eating a lot of calories compared to little, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease significantly with 39% [RR = 1.39, 95% CI = 1.01-1.92] increased.

The researchers found in prospective studies involving was corrected for smoking and coffee/Caffeine consumption, no significant association between getting Parkinson's disease and eating a lot:
proteins [RR = 1.02, 95% CI = 0.80-1.30].
carbohydrates [RR = 1.11, 95% CI = 0.86-1.43]
fat [RR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.70-1.16].
cholesterol [RR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.74-1.09].
calories [RR = 0.97, 95% CI = 0.93-1.02].

The researchers found in prospective studies involving was corrected for smoking and coffee/Caffeine consumption, that eating a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids the chances of getting Parkinson's disease significantly with 22% [RR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.64-0.96] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

On the basis of the found results the researchers concluded that there is no link between eating a lot of protein, carbohydrates, cholesterol or calories and the chance of getting Parkinson's disease. But eating a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids lowers though getting Parkinson's disease.

Original title:
Macronutrients intake and risk of Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis by Wang A, Lin Y, [...], Zhang D.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies on polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas).



Het eten van 100 mg EPA en DHA per dag verlaagt borstkanker

Research Question:
Lowers eating n3-fatty acids the chances of getting breast cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article 26 contained articles that 21 prospective cohort studies (20905 883585 participants, of which people with breast cancer).

11 articles on visinname (13323 with breast cancer patients and 687770 participants), 17 articles on maritime n3-fatty acids intake (16178 with breast cancer patients and 527372 participants) and 12 articles on alpha-linolenic acid intake (with 56811 breast cancer patients and 405592 participants).

There was no question of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of n3 fatty acids of maritime origin compared to little, the chance of getting breast cancer significantly with 14% [95% CI = 0.78 to 0.94, I2 = 54%] reduced.
The reduced risk remained the same, regardless of whether the n3-fatty acids of maritime origin was measured via the questionnaires [RR = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.89-0.96, I2 = 67%] or via tissue biomarkers (RR = 0.86, 95% = 0.71-1.03, I2 = 8%].

The researchers found that the reduced risk in subgroup analyses between the n3-fatty acids of maritime origin and getting breast cancer was clearer in studies where not corrected was BMI [RR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.64-0.86, I2 = 0%] than in studies involving corrected was BMI [RR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.80-1.01, I2 = 63.2%].

The researchers found that every increase of 0.1 grams of n3 fatty acids of maritime origin per day, the chance of getting breast cancer significantly with 5% [95% CI = 0.90-1.00, I2 = 52%] reduced.

The researchers found that every increase of 0.1 grams of alpha-linolenic acid per day, the chance of getting breast cancer is not significantly with 1% [95% CI = 0.98-1.01] reduced.  

The researchers found that both eating only EPA [RR = 0.93, 95% CI = 0.85-1.02] as DHA [RR = 0.88, 95% CI = 0.75-1.03] the chance of getting breast cancer are not significantly reduced. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that every increase of 15 grams of fish per day, the chance of getting breast cancer is not reduced or increased [RR = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.97-1.03].

The researchers concluded that eating a lot of n3-fatty acids (at least 0.1 grams per day) of maritime origin (so not plant origin) reduced the chance of getting breast cancer.

Original title:
Intake of fish and marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of breast cancer: meta-analysis of data from 21 independent prospective cohort studies by Zheng Hu JS, XJ, [...], Li D.


Additional information about El Mondo:
N-3 fatty acids common both plant and marine origin. The n-3 fatty acid of plant origin is also known as alpha-linolenic acid. What products contain alpha-linolenic acid, you can look up here.

The n3-fatty acids of maritime origin are EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are in fish and algae. What fish 100 mg EPA and DHA per day, you can look up here.


Een vetarm dieet verhoogt de overlevingskansen van borstkankerpatiënten

Research Question:
Although many studies the possible effect of a low-fat diet on the survival rates of breast cancer have examined, remains the relationship unclear. It was therefore carried out this review article.

A low-fat diet increases the chances of survival among breast cancer patients?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 2 Rcts and 1 large multi-center prospective cohort studies with a total of 9966 borskankerpatiënten.

There was no heterogeneity between the studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a low-fat diet after diagnosis, the relapse of breast cancer significantly with 23% [HR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.63-0.94, p = 0.009] reduced. Significant because HR of 1 was not in the 95% CI of 0.63 to 0.94. HR of 1 means no risk.

The researchers found that a low-fat diet after diagnosis, the all-cause mortality among breast cancer patients non-significant 17% [HR = 0.83, 95% CI = 0.69-1.00, p = 0.05] reduced. Non-significant because HR of 1 sat in the 95% CI of 0.69 to 1.00. HR of 1 means no risk.

The researchers concluded that a low-fat diet after diagnosis, and thus reduced the relapse of breast cancer survival rates increased..

Original title:
Effect or low-fat diet on breast cancer survival: a meta-analysis by Xing MY, Xu SZ and Shen P.


Additional information about El Mondo:
A low-fat diet is a diet with 20-30% fat and 0-7 and% saturated fat. The easiest way to follow a low-fat diet, is to choose products that are also only 20-30% And% fat and saturated fat And contain 0-7. Which products from the supermarket and meals And also 20-30% fat and 0-7 and% saturated fat, you can look up here.



Veel alfa-linoleenzuur via voeding verlaagt mogelijk hart- en vaatziekten

Research Question:
Eating alpha-linolenic acid reduces the chance of getting heart disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 27 studies (No RCTs) with 251049 participants, 15327 which patients with heart disease.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that the intake of alpha-linolenic acid the chance of getting heart disease significantly with 14% [95% CI = 0.77-0.97, I2 = 71.3%] reduced.

The researchers found that the intake of alpha-linolenic acid via diet, chances of getting heart disease significantly with 10% [95% CI = 0.99-0.99, I2 = 49.0%] reduced.

The researchers found that the intake of alpha-linolenic acid measured by biomarkers, the chance of getting heart disease non-significant with 20% [95% CI = 0.63-1.03, I2 = 79,8%] reduced.

The researchers concluded that eating a lot of alpha-linolenic acid (measured through feeding) the possible reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Possible because of the high unexplained heterogeneity.

Original title:
α-Linolenic acid and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Pan A, Chen M, [...], Hu FB.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Read more about alpha-linolenic acid.
Read more about overview article, I2 and 95% CI.


1.5 gram alfa-linoleenzuur per dag verlaagt licht prostaatkanker

Research Question:
Individual-based studies that show the relationship between the consumption of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and the risk of prostate cancer, showed inconsistent results. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating alpha-linolenic acid reduces the chance of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 5 prospective studies.
There was heterogeneity.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of alpha-linolenic acid compared to little, the chance of getting prostate cancer does not significantly with 3% [pooled RR = 0.97, 95% CI = 0.80-1.10] reduced.

The researchers found that eating more than 1.5 grams of alpha-linolenic acid per day compared with less than 1.5 grams, the chance of getting prostate cancer significantly with 5% [pooled RR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.91-0.99] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that eating alpha-linolenic acid (> 1.5 grams per day) the chance of getting prostate cancer reduced light.

Original title:
Prospective studies of dietary alpha-linolenic acid intake and prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis by Carayol M, Grosclaude P and Delpierre C.


Additional information about El Mondo:


Number of grams of alpha-linolenic acid

1 teaspoon flaxseed oil (10 ml)


1 handful of walnuts (30 grams)


1 teaspoon soybean oil (100 ml)


Broccoli (200 grams)


Mushroom (200 grams)


Read more about fats.


Linolzuur via voeding verlaagt coronaire hartziekten

Research Question:
Eating linoleic acid lowers the chances of getting coronary heart disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 2 nested case-control studies and cohort studies 2. The average age ranged between 50 and 60 years and the average follow-up duration was 5-34 years.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that every increase of the linoleic acid content with 5% the chances of getting coronary heart disease significantly with 9% [RR = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.84-0.98] reduced.

The researchers found no significant association between cholesterylestergehaltes of the plasma n-3 PUFA and the risk of getting coronary heart disease. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that eating linoleic acid the chances of getting coronary heart disease reduced.

Original title:
N-6 and N-3 Fatty Acid Cholesteryl Esters in Relation to Fatal CHD in a Dutch Adult Population: A Nested Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis by the Good J, Verschuren WMM, [...], Geleijnse JM.


Additional information about El Mondo:
EFSA considers that 10 grams of linoleic acid per day needed to not increase cholesterol levels. High cholesterol increases the chance of getting heart disease. However, we get through the daily diet more linoleic acid (> 10 grams per day) within than the body needs. That's because it's cheaper to linoleic acid to add to foods than alpha-linolenic acid. So a linoleic acid deficiency does not occur.
What products contain much linoleic acid, you can look up here.

Read more about linoleic acid.

Verzadigd vet vervangen door meervoudig onverzadigd vet verlaagt hart- en vaatziekten

Research Question:
Eating saturated fat lowers the chances of getting heart disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 11 cohort studies with 344696 participants, of which 5249 people with heart disease and 2155 people who died were from heart disease. The duration of studies ranged from 4 to 10 years.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that each replacement of 5% And saturated fat by 5 and% polyunsaturated fat, the chance of getting heart disease significantly with 13% [95% CI = 0.77-0.97] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that each replacement of 5% And by 5% saturated fat And polyunsaturated fat, the chances of dying from heart disease significantly with 26% [95% CI = 0.61-0.89] reduced.

The researchers found that each replacement of 5% saturated fat And by 5% And carbohydrates, the chance of getting heart disease non-significant with 7% [95% CI = 1.01-1.14] increased. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that each replacement of saturated fat by 5 and 5 and%% carbohydrates, the chances of dying from heart disease non-significant 4% [95% CI = 0.82-1.13] reduced. Non-significant because the risk of 1 sat in the 95% CI of 0.82-1.13.

The researchers found that there is no relationship existed between each replacement of 5% And by 5% saturated fat And monounsaturated fat and chances of getting heart disease.

The researchers found that there is no relationship existed between each replacement of 5% And by 5% saturated fat And monounsaturated fat and the risk of dying from heart disease.

The researchers concluded that replacing 5 and saturate fat by 5% And% polyunsaturated fat both the chance of getting heart disease as dying from heart disease reduced.

Original title:
Major types of dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of cohort studies by 11 Jakobsen MU, O'Reilly EJ, [...], Ascherio a.


Additional information about El Mondo:
What does a replacement of 5% And saturated fat by 5 and% polyunsaturated fat say?
Set a daily diet delivers 2200 kcal, 50 grams of saturated fat and 17 grams polyunsaturated fat.
This 2200 kcal daily diet contains so 20.45 And% ((50x9)/22) saturated fat and 6.95% ((17x90)/22) And polyunsaturated fat.
So a 5 and% replacement means that this daily diet of 2200 kcal And 15.45% saturated fat and 11.95% And polyunsaturated fat.
A power supply of 2200 kcal with 15.45 And% polyunsaturated fat And saturated fat and 11.95% corresponds to a power supply with 2200 kcal that 37.77 grams saturated fat and 29.21 grams polyunsaturated fat.

15.45 And% saturated fat is saturated fat contributes to 15.45% 2200 kcal. A healthy daily diet contains up to 10 and% saturated fat.

Verzadigd vet vervangen door meervoudig onverzadigd vet verlaagt hart- en vaatziekten

Research Question:
Eating saturated fat lowers the chances of getting heart disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 11 cohort studies with 344696 participants, of which 5249 people with heart disease and 2155 people who died were from heart disease. The duration of studies ranged from 4 to 10 years.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that each replacement of 5% And saturated fat by 5 and% polyunsaturated fat, the chance of getting heart disease significantly with 13% [95% CI = 0.77-0.97] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that each replacement of 5% And by 5% saturated fat And polyunsaturated fat, the chances of dying from heart disease significantly with 26% [95% CI = 0.61-0.89] reduced.

The researchers found that each replacement of 5% saturated fat And by 5% And carbohydrates, the chance of getting heart disease non-significant with 7% [95% CI = 1.01-1.14] increased. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that each replacement of saturated fat by 5 and 5 and%% carbohydrates, the chances of dying from heart disease non-significant 4% [95% CI = 0.82-1.13] reduced. Non-significant because the risk of 1 sat in the 95% CI of 0.82-1.13.

The researchers found that there is no relationship existed between each replacement of 5% And by 5% saturated fat And monounsaturated fat and chances of getting heart disease.

The researchers found that there is no relationship existed between each replacement of 5% And by 5% saturated fat And monounsaturated fat and the risk of dying from heart disease.

The researchers concluded that replacing 5 and saturate fat by 5% And% polyunsaturated fat both the chance of getting heart disease as dying from heart disease reduced.

Original title:
Major types of dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of cohort studies by 11 Jakobsen MU, O'Reilly EJ, [...], Ascherio a.


Additional information about El Mondo:
What does a replacement of 5% And saturated fat by 5 and% polyunsaturated fat say?
Set a daily diet delivers 2200 kcal, 50 grams of saturated fat and 17 grams polyunsaturated fat.
This 2200 kcal daily diet contains so 20.45 And% ((50x9)/22) saturated fat and 6.95% ((17x90)/22) And polyunsaturated fat.
So a 5 and% replacement means that this daily diet of 2200 kcal And 15.45% saturated fat and 11.95% And polyunsaturated fat.
A power supply of 2200 kcal with 15.45 And% polyunsaturated fat And saturated fat and 11.95% corresponds to a power supply with 2200 kcal that 37.77 grams saturated fat and 29.21 grams polyunsaturated fat.

15.45 And% saturated fat is saturated fat contributes to 15.45% 2200 kcal. A healthy daily diet contains up to 10 and% saturated fat.

Geen verband tussen het eten van α-linoleenzuur en prostaatkanker

Research Question:
α-linolenic acid (ALA) is considered as a heart-protective nutrient, however some epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of ALA increases the risk of prostate cancer. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Α-linolenic acid eating increases the chance of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 12 studies (7 case-control studies and 5 prospective cohort studies) with 14795 patients with prostate cancer and 231143 controls (those without prostate cancer).

The dosage of α-linolenic acid was 0.05-4.16 g per day and was obtained through FAHIM.
There was no question of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer not significant with 8% [95% CI = 1.29-0.90, p = 0.40, I2 = 85%, p 0.00001] increased. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in 7 case-control studies (4047 4762 patients and controls) that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer does not significantly with 30% [95% CI = 0.81-2.07, p = 0.27, I2 = 90%, p 0.00001] increased. Not significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found in 5 prospective cohort studies (10748 207752 patients and controls) that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer does not significantly with 5% [95% CI = 0.84-1.09, p = 0.59, I2 = 69%, p 0.01] reduced.
But in the sensitivity analysis where 1 cohort study was omitted (which disappeared the heterogeneity) researchers found that eating a lot of α-linolenic acid (3.91 g/day) compared with little (0.7 g/day), the chance of getting prostate cancer significantly with 9% [95% CI = 0.83-0.99, p = 0.02, I2 = 8%, p = 0.35] reduced.

The researchers concluded that there is no connection existed between the food of α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer.

Original title:
Case – control and dietary α-linolenic acid intake or prospective studies and prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis by Carleton, AJ, Sievenpiper JL, [...], Jenkins DJA.


Additional information about El Mondo:

α-linolenic acid is in some vegetable oils. The main sources of α-linolenic acid are: flax seed oil (55%), Sacha Inchi oil (-48%), Chia seed (18%), walnuts (10%), rice bran oil (1%) and further slightly in green leafy vegetables.

How many α-linolenic acid (ALA) in a product, you can look up here.
Read more about fats.


Een hoge plantaardige vetinname verlaagt suikerziekte type 2 bij vrouwen

Research Question:
Is there a relationship between eating macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) and getting diabetes type 2?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 22 cohort studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high carbohydrate intake through feeding the risk of getting type 2 diabetes significantly with 11% [RR = 1.11, 95% CI = 1.01-1.22, p = 0.035] increased. However, this increased risk was not observed in an analysis stratified by gender.

The researchers found that a high vegetable fat intake, the chances of getting type 2 diabetes in women significant at 24% [RR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.68-0.85, p 0.001] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found for other macronutrienten (fats and proteins) no significant association with the risk of getting diabetes type 2.

The researchers concluded that a high carbohydrate intake through feeding the chance of getting diabetes type 2, while a high vegetable fat intake increased the chances of getting type 2 diabetes in women reduced.

Original title:
Macronutrient intakes and development of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies by Aana_aana A, Sally E, [...], Garg ML.


Additional information about El Mondo:
A high carbohydrate intake through diet in practice comes down to a daily diet with more than 70% carbohydrates. The easiest way to get a daily diet with less to eat, And 70% carbohydrates is to choose products that are also less than 70% carbohydrates And deliver. Which products in the supermarket And less than 70% carbohydrates, you can look up here.

Find here more studies on fat consumption.

The overview article of cohort studies answers the following question:
"Should I change my diet?". On the basis of the conclusion above means that women are more vegetable fat through diet should ingest to so the chances of getting diabetes type 2 to decrease.

Een GI-voeding van 58 verhoogt suikerziekte type 2 en borstkanker

Research Question:
Inconsistent findings from observational studies have the contradictions about the effects of a GI and GL-Diet on the chance of getting certain chronic diseases. It was therefore carried out this review article.

A high GI and GL-Diet increase the chance of getting certain chronic disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 37 prospective cohort studies until March 2007 with 40129 people with chronic illness. The study duration ranged from 4 to 20 years.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a power supply with the highest GI (58)/hoogste GL (142) compared to the lowest GI (49)/laagste GL (92), the chance of getting type 2 diabetes significantly with respectively 40% [95% CI = 1.49-1.59] and 27% [5% BI = 1.12-1.45] increased.
Significantly increased risk of 40% want blessing, with a 95% reliability can be said that a power supply with a GI number of 58 the chance of getting diabetes type 2 really increased by 40%.

The researchers found that a power supply with the highest GI (58) compared to the lowest GI (49), the chance of getting heart disease non-significant with 25% [95% CI = 1.00-1.56] increased. Non-significant is, there is no link to a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that a power supply with the highest GI (58)/hoogste GL (142) compared to the lowest GI (49)/laagste GL (92), the chance of getting respiratory diseases gall bladder significantly with respectively 26% [95% CI = 1.13-1.40] and 40% [5% CI = 1.25-1.60] increased.

The researchers found that a power supply with the highest GI (58) compared to the lowest GI (49), the chance of getting breast cancer significantly with 8% [95% CI = 1.02-1.16] increased.

The researchers found that a power supply with the highest GI (58)/hoogste GL (142) compared to the lowest GI (49)/laagste GL (92), the chances of getting all diseases combined significantly with respectively 14% [95% CI = 1.09-1.19] and 9% [5% CI = 1.04-1.15] increased.

The researchers concluded that eating a diet with a GI number of 58 or GL-number of 142 the chance of getting some chronic diseases increased.

Original title:
Glycemic index, glycemic load, and chronic disease risk — a meta-analysis of observational studies by Barclay AW, P Petocz, [...], Brand-Miller JC.


Additional information about El Mondo:
A power supply with a GL-number of 142 means that the food contains sugars 142 grams.
A low GI Diet is a diet with a GI number of 55 or below. GI stands for glycemic index. A low GI Diet is a diet with a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal.
A high GI-power supply is a power supply with a GI number of 70 or higher.
A low GL-power supply is a power supply with a GL-number of 10 or lower. GL stands for glycemic load.
A high GL-power supply is a power supply with a GL-figure of 20 or higher.

Observational studies include case-control studies and cohort studies.


Een hoge GI-voeding verhoogt de kans op hart- en vaatziekten bij vrouwen met overgewicht

High GI-food increases the chance of getting heart disease and it is found risk in women and men the same?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 8 prospective cohort studies with 220050 participants and 4826 patients with cardiovascular disease. The age ranged between 38-79 years and the intervention duration ranged between 6-25 years. There was no indication of publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The meta-analysis showed a pooled relative risk of the GL-nutrition for men by 1.08 [95% CI = 0.92-1.27]. In other words, men who ate a high GL-nutrition, ran non-significant 8% more chances of getting heart disease than men who ate a high GL-not food. Non-significant means no link.

The meta-analysis showed a pooled relative risk of the GL-nutrition for women of 1.69 [95% CI = 1.32-2.16]. In other words, women who ate a high GL-nutrition, ran significantly 69% more chances of getting heart disease than women who ate a high GL-not food. Significant is, it can be said with 95% reliability that the increase of 69% was really due to eating a high GL-nutrition.

The meta-analysis showed a pooled relative risk of the GL-nutrition for men and women together from 1.36 [95% CI = 1.13-1.99]. This pooled relative risk was significant because the relative risk of 1 was not in the 95% CI of 1.13-1.63.

The meta-analysis showed a pooled relative risk of the GI-nutrition for men by 0.99 [95% CI = 0.84-1.16] see.

The meta-analysis showed a pooled relative risk of the GI-nutrition for women of 1.26 [95% CI = 1.12-1.43] see.

The meta-analysis showed a pooled relative risk of the GI-nutrition for men and women together from 1.13 [95% CI = 1.00-1.28] see.

Limited evidence suggested an increased association with overweight and obesity.

The researchers concluded that high high GI-GL-nutrition and diet the chances of getting increased heart disease in women but not in men and this increased risk was more pronounced in obesity.

Original title:
Meta-Analysis of Dietary Glycemic Load and Glycemic Index in Relation to Risk of Coronary Heart Disease by Jia-Yi D, Yong-Hong Z, [...], Li-Qiang Q.


Additional information about El Mondo:
A high GI-power supply is a power supply with a GI number of 70 or higher.