Mensen met overgewicht verliezen met een vetarm of koolhydraatarm dieet na 6 maanden 8-9 kg
Research Question:
Many claims are made about the superiority of a diet over another for inducing weight loss. However, what diet is best, remains unclear. It was therefore carried out this review article.
What is the best diet to lose weight for overweight people?
Study Design:
This overview article contained 48 Rcts with 7286 participants.
Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a low carbohydrate diet the body weight after 6 months significantly with 8.73 kg [95% CI = 8.99 to 10.20 kg] and after 12 months significantly with 7.25 kg [95% CI = 5.33 to 9.25 kg] reduced.
The researchers found that a low-fat diet the body weight after 6 months significantly with 7.99 kg [95% CI = 6.01 to 9.92 kg] and after 12 months significantly with 7.27 kg [95% CI = 5.26 to 9.34 kg] reduced.
The researchers found that the difference in weight loss was minimal between the different diets. So the Atkins diet after 6 months to 1.71 kg more weight loss than the Zone diet.
The researchers also found that a successful weight loss not only was due to follow a diet. So lost people who change their eating habits, got support after 6 months 3.23 kg [95% CI = 2.23 to 4.23 kg] to body weight and 1.08 kg [95% CI =-1.82 to 3.96 kg] after 12 months. People who did regular exercise, after 6 months lost 0.64 kg [95% CI =-0.35 to 1.66 kg] and 2.13 kg [95% CI = 0.43 to 3.85 kg] after 12 months.
The researchers concluded that following a carbohydrate or low-fat diet reduced weight loss among overweight people. However, for the weight loss it doesn't matter or is chosen for a FAT or a low-carbohydrate diet.
Original title:
Comparison of Weight Loss Among Overweight and Obese AdultsA Named Diet Programs in Meta-analysis by Johnston BC, K S, [...], Mills EJ.
Additional information about El Mondo:
Overweight people have a BMI greater than 25. Overweight people are advised to choose products by 20-30% fat, And 0-7 and% saturated fat, 20-40 and 10-25% carbohydrates, And% sugars and a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal. Which products from the supermarket And 20-30% fat, 0-7 and% saturated fat, 20-40 and 10-25% carbohydrates, And% sugars and a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal, you can look up here.
A koolhydraatnarm diet is a diet with 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And 10-25%. The easiest way to follow a low-carb diet, is by eating only products And also 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And contain 10-25%. What products And 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And 10-25%, you can look up here.
But the most practical way to a low carbohydrate diet to follow, is by choosing products that an average of 20-40% carbohydrates, including sugars And 10-25%.
A low-fat diet is a diet with 20-30% fat, of which 0-7 and% saturated fat.
A high protein diet is a diet And 20-35% protein.
A high-fiber diet is a diet with a minimum of 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 kcal.
Find here more studies on obesity.