Groenten, fruit en beta-caroteen verlagen nierkanker

Research Question:
Lowers eating vegetables, fruit or carotenoids the chance of getting kidney cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 13 prospective cohort studies with a follow-up duration of 7-20 years, 1478 niercelkankergevallen (709 women and 769 men) under 774952 participants.

Validated were used FAHIM and random effects model. There was no question of heterogeneity between studies (p = 0.86).

Donkergroene bladgroenten verlagen mogelijk de kans op het krijgen van suikerziekte type 2

Research Question:
Eating dark green leafy vegetables lowers the chances of getting diabetes type 2?

Study Design:
A meta-analysis of 6 prospective cohort studies with 223 512 participants, an age of 30 to 74 years and an average follow-up time of 13.4 years (4.6-23 years). There was heterogeneity between the studies.

Want to say the prospective subjects are followed over time. In other words, the subjects have at the beginning of the study no diabetes type 2.