Vifit FrieslandCampina's strawberry-red berry (NL Z0035 EC).
The product delivers 34% of your daily amount of protein.
Protein contributes to the preservation of muscle mass:
On the packaging it says "protein contributes to the preservation of muscle mass". This is a health claim (a claim that refers to the action of a nutrient) and the manufacturer may claim only on the packaging when protein (minimum) 12% contributes to the total calorie content of this product. This product delivers 69 kcal per 100 ml and 5.2 grams of protein or 5.2 grams of protein (see ingredients list).
5.2 grams of protein delivers 20.8 kcal for 1 gram protein 4 kcal. 20.8 kcal is 30.1% of 69 kcal. In other words, the manufacturer of the law "protein contributes to the preservation of muscle mass" on the packaging.
But it is your muscle mass really maintained by drinking this product? No, first we get daily through feeding unconscious more than proteins within the body really needs. So eating products with added proteins is a waste of money. Although we (without extra efforts) a lot of proteins than the body needs, the muscle mass is not always retained. The muscle mass is retained only through daily physical activities. So if you ingest a lot of proteins but not to daily physical activity does, your muscle mass will eventually decrease. A decreasing muscle mass is nowadays associated with overweight because a decreasing muscle mass means that the body burns fewer calories. Muscles consume more calories than fat. So your muscle mass is maintained through daily physical activities and not by drinking this product!
The extra protein (proteins) in this product is provided by the ingredient milk protein.
0.2% Strawberry and 0.15% red berry:
Why are 0.2% Strawberry and 0.15% red berry mentioned in the ingredients list? This has to do with the name of this product. This product is called Strawberry-red berry yoghurt drink. Since the manufacturer in the product name claims that in this product Strawberry and red currant are, he must of the law the percentage of Strawberry and red currant in the ingredients list. In the name of this product are no raspberry and black currant and therefore, the manufacturer of the law the percentage of raspberry and black currant also failed to mention.
As a consumer's good to know that the manufacturer against releasing the percentages in the ingredients list is because the mention of the percentages makes the product easier to. House brands are counterfeit best-selling A-brands. So you want to know what A brand is, you do not have sold well in the rule only to hetdesbetreffende B brand.
7.5% AHD vitamin D and vitamin B11:
In this product are 7.5% AHD vitamin D and 7.5 ADH vitamin B11 per 100 ml. Why actually?
Before 14 december 2012 was the health claim "good for your immune system" attributed to l. rhamnosus Gorbach & Goldin, l. acidophilus and b. lactis. These are the 4 probiotics in this product.
However, the EFSA health claim "good for your immune system" attributed to l. rhamnosus Gorbach & Goldin, l. acidophilus and b. lactis disapproved. In other words, starting from 14 december 2012 should the manufacturer the health claim "good for your immune system" no longer ascribe to l. rhamnosus Gorbach & Goldin, l. acidophilus and b. lactis. But the manufacturer wants to continue to keep this health claim on the packaging (without the claim "good for your immune system" will be selling this product namely drop because no consumer will buy a probioticadrankje without the words "good for your immune system" on the packaging) and to comply with legislation is therefore, vitamin D and vitamin B11 added to this product. EFSA namely the health claim "good for your immune system" attributed to vitamin D and B11 approved.
To the health claim "good for your immune system" attributed to vitamin D and B11 to be able to put on the package, the manufacturer 15% RDA vitamin D or 15% RDA vitamin B11 add to this product. However, on the package is not 15% RDA but 7.5% AHD vitamin D and 7.5% RDA vitamin B11 per 100 ml. How can that be? Probably because adding 15% RDA vitamin D this product too expensive that the sales will decrease or there's too little fat in this product to 15% RDA vitamin D (vitamin D in the solution to be able to keep is there a certain amount of fat in the product because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin) in. That is why the manufacturer eventually chosen for the construction 7.5% AHD vitamin D and 7.5% RDA vitamin B11 per 100 ml. 7.5% AHD vitamin D + 7.5% RDA vitamin B11 delivers 15% RDA per 100 ml. This the manufacturer to the law to the health claim "good for your immune system" on the packaging to be able to convert!
Vitamin D and B11 are artificial (coming from a bag) to this product added and that can be seen in the ingredient list because vitamin D and B11 come in the ingredients list for. What in the ingredients list, during the production artificially added to the product. Artificially add vitamins and minerals to a food is cheaper.
This product delivers per 100 ml 0.38 μg vitamin D and that corresponds to 7.5% RDA. How is it calculated? The RDA vitamin (but also minerals) on food packaging is submitted by the EFSA. The RDA vitamin D is EFSA 5 μg. So 0.38 μg is 7.6% of 5 μg; completed is that 7.5%!
As a consumer's good to know that the RDA on food packaging and nutritional supplements comes from EFSA and not by the Health Council of the Netherlands. The RDA of the Health Council is not always equal to the RDA of the EFSA. The RDA of the Health Council of the Netherlands can be found on the Web site of the food centre. As a consumer you must stick to the RDA of the Health Council but who is not on the food packaging or dietary supplements listed!
Yogurt and milk protein:
In the ingredients list is to see that yogurt and milk from milk protein are shown in bold. This is because of legislation passed in december 2014. This legislation required the manufacturer allergens in the ingredients list fat (or underlined, or with capital letter). Yogurt is made from milk and milk before the law an allergen and therefore, yogurt and milk protein of the law in bold.
Why no sodium in the table nutritional value per 100 ml?
According to the new legislation passed in december 2014 was in force, it is not required by law to sodium in the table nutritional value per 100 ml. The legal mandatory particulars are energy (as kcal and kJ), fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt. It is also not required by law to fiber, minerals and vitamins in the table. The reason that the manufacturer does, is to promote the sale of the product, or to meet legal requirements to a health claim on the package.
The NVWA (Dutch food regulator) used the table nutritional value per 100 ml to see if the claims about nutrition or health claims on the packaging comply with legal requirements or not.
69 kcal per 100 ml:
This product delivers 69 kcal per 100 ml. How is this 69 kcal calculated? In this product is 69 kcal per 100 ml, 0.8 g fat, 9 g carbohydrate and 5.2 g protein and 2.9 g fiber (not state on the label because it is not legally required).
0.8 g fat delivers 0.8 x 9 = 7.2 kcal for 1 g fat provides 9 kcal.
8.8 g carbohydrate provides 5.5 x 4 = 35.2 kcal for 1 g carbohydrate 4 kcal.
5.2 g protein delivers 5.2 x 4 = 20.8 kcal for 1 gram of protein 4 kcal.
1.8 g fiber delivers 2.9 x 2 = 5.8 kcal for 1 gram fiber delivers 2 kcal.
7.2 + 35.2 + 20.8 + 5.8 = 69 kcal.
The total kcal of a product is obtained by the number of calories of fat, carbohydrates, protein and fiber.
Pasture milk:
This product is made with pasture milk. Pasture milk is a nutrition claim. I.e. the manufacturer may only pasture milk on the package when it meets the legal requirement. Pasture milk before the law milk originating from cows that at least 120 days a year, 6 hours per day of the spring until autumn in the Meadow walk. At least 120 days, you must read it because as a consumer not exceeding 120 days why the manufacturer will do more than the law asks him. Do more (in this case more than 120 days) costs money and that translates into an expensive product.
Or the cows actually 120 days a year and 6 hours a day from the spring until autumn walk in the Meadow, is for consumers to figure out because the audit reports of the NEW TOOLS are not released. The consumer can also retrieve these reports. Additionally since the abolition of milk quotas by 2015. The farmer may now unlimited produce milk. A cow that gives all day stabled, generally more milk than a cow in the meadow.
Citric Acid:
Why does citric acid in this product? This product is a drinking yogurt and is regulated by law by the Decree dairy. In the Dairy State decree that drinking yogurt a pH of not more than 4.5 must have (in order to ensure the safety of the product). To this product to a pH of not more than 4.5, citric acid added. A product with a pH (acidity) of 4.5 rule tastes acid and yet this product tastes sweet. How can that be? This is because of the added sugar. Sugar can mask the sour taste of a product. Just look at soft drinks. Soft drink tastes sweet while those a acidity of 3.5. Rhubarb has an acidity of 3.5 and that taste very acidic.
Is there E-numbers in?
Yes, in this product is 1 E-number. Is citric acid E330.
This product is healthy?
To be able to know if this product is healthy or not nutritional values per 100 ml table should be converted into the 7-run profile of this product.
Nutritional values per 100 ml
Calculated 7-points's profile
7-run profile of a healthy product
Energy (kcal)
FAT (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Carbohydrates (g)
Sugars (g)
49.9% *
Sugar rich
Protein (g)
Sodium (g)
0.04 * *
0.04 g per 100 ml
0.5 g per 100 ml
Fiber (g)
4.2 g per 100 kcal
> 1.3 g per 100 kcal
High fiber
* 49.9% sugars is, 8.6 g sugars 49.9% contributes to 69 kcal of this product.
** 0.04 is obtained by 0.10 g salt times 0.4 because 1 grams of salt supplies 0.4 g of sodium.
Overall conclusion:
In this product are too much sugars but he conforms to the standards of a healthy product. In other words this product is healthy!
When you eat this product, you must correct for the high sugar content. The following product may contain up to 0% sugar!
The high sugar content makes this product tastes sweet!