This tab will answer the following nutritional question: How healthy is each food item in the supermarket?
The table "nutritional values per 100 grams / per 100 ml" does not indicate how healthy a certain product is. This can only be seen when these nutritional values are converted into the 7-points nutritional profile. The 7-points nutritional profile of a certain product does not change by portion size.
From a nutritional point of view, a healthy product contains: maximum 35 En% fat, maximum 10 En% saturated fat, maximum 70 En% carbohydrates, maximum 25 En% sugars, maximum 35 En% protein, maximum 0.3 grams of salt per 100 kcal and minimum 1.3 grams of fiber per 100 kcal.
The numbers in the table nutritional values per 100 grams or 100 ml are not the measured values after each production but the calculated values. Thus, you should not take the number of kcal, number of grams of fat or protein of a product too literally.