Vitamine E via voeding verlaagt longkanker

Research Question:
The relationship between the intake of vitamin E and the risk of getting lung cancer is still contradictory. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Eating vitamin E lowers the chances of getting lung cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 10 prospective cohort studies and 1 case-control study with a total of 4434 lung cancer cases.

There was no question of publication bias.

Gefrituurde producten verhogen mogelijk prostaatkanker

Research Question:
Eating fried products increases the chance of getting prostate cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contain 4 case-control studies with a total of 2572 prostate cancer patients and 2277 matched controls.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of fried products, the chance of getting prostate cancer significantly with 35% [RR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.17-1.57] increased.

Carotenoïden via voeding verlagen mogelijk hoofd- en nekkanker

Research Question:
Lowers eating carotenoids the chance of getting head and neck cancer?   

Study Design:
This overview article contain 14 case-control studies and 1 prospective cohort studies.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that the ingest of many beta-carotene equivalents through feeding the chance of getting oral cancer significantly with 46% [OR = 0.54, 95% = 0.37-0.80] and the chance of getting Larynx Cancer significantly with 57% [OR = 0.43, 95% = 0.24-0.77] reduced.

Foliumzuur tijdens de zwangerschap verlaagt mogelijk aangeboren hartafwijkingen

Research Question:
Epidemiological studies showed contradictory results with regard to the relationship between the folate content of the mother and the risk of congenital heart defects. It was therefore carried out this review article.

Swallowing folic acid during pregnancy reduces the risk of congenital heart defects?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 1 RCT, 1 cohort and case-control studies with in total 18500 16 cases with congenital heart defects.

There was no question of publication bias.

Dagelijks 10 mg ijzer via voeding verhoogt de ziekte van Parkinson onder Europeanen

Research Question:
The ingest of iron through feeding increases the chance of getting Parkinson's disease?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 5 studies with 126507 participants.  

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a moderate iron intake through feeding the chance of getting Parkinson's disease not significant with 8% [RR = 1.08, 95% CI = 0.61-1.93, p = 0.787] increased.

Studies 2015

Below you will find scientific investigations into the relationship between diet and chronic diseases.

The review articles (meta-analyses) of randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind human studies (Rcts) answer the following question:
"Is swallowing food supplements make sense?". Yes at a positive conclusion and no in the case of a negative conclusion.

100 mg cholesterol per dag verhoogt alvleesklierkanker

Research Question:
Eating cholesterol increases the chance of getting pancreatic cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 16 articles with 4513 pancreatic cancer patients.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that a high cholesterol intake significantly with the chance of getting alveesklierkanker 37.1% [RR = 1,383, 95% CI = 1.155-1,627, I2 = 58.2%] increased. 

Dagelijks 7 mg vitamine E via voeding verlaagt leeftijdsgebonden staar

Research Question:
Increases the ingest of vitamin E through feeding the chance of getting age-related cataracts?

Study Design:
This overview article contained studies with participants in all age groups. 

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that eating a lot of vitamin E the chance of getting age-related cataracts significantly with 27% [RR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.58-0.92] reduced.

n-3 PUFA via voeding verlaagt niet dikke darmkanker

Epidemiologische studies naar de relatie tussen de inname van n-3 PUFA en het risico op het krijgen van dikke darmkanker lieten inconsistente resultaten zien. Daarom werd dit overzichtsartikel uitgevoerd.

Verlaagt het eten van n-3 PUFA de kans op het krijgen van dikke darmkanker?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 14 prospectieve cohort studies met 8775 mensen met dikke darmkanker.