Vitamin B3 supplementation increases good cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Does niacin (vitamin B3) supplementation improve lipid profiles and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus?

Study design:
This review article included 8 RCTs comprised a total of 2,110 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Studies published ranged from 1990 to 2016 and 15 to 1,053 patients were included in each individual trial.

The follow-up duration ranged from 8.0 weeks to 12.0 months.

Suplementación con vitamina B3 aumenta colesterol bueno en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

¿Mejora la suplementación con niacina (vitamina B3) los perfiles lipídicos y el control glucémico en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2?

Diseño del estudio:
Este artículo de revisión incluyó 8 ensayos doble-ciegos, aleatorizados, placebo controlados con un total de 2,110 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

Los estudios publicados variaron de 1990 a 2016 y se incluyeron de 15 a 1,053 pacientes en cada ensayo individual.

La duración del seguimiento osciló entre 8 semanas y 12 meses.

Severe COVID-19 patients have a 4.74-fold increase in risk of myocardial injury

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become global pandemic and resulted in considerable morbidity and mortality since December 2019. Information on the incidence of myocardial injury remains scarce. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

Does myocardial injury increase severe COVID-19 infection?

Maternal hookworm infection increases maternal anemia and coinfection with malaria

Hookworm is an intestinal parasite that infects nearly 230 million people, with another 5.1 billion at risk, especially in poverty-stricken tropical and subtropical regions. Pregnancy is an especially vulnerable time for hookworm infection because of its effect on both maternal and subsequently fetal health. Therefore, this review article has been conducted.

Ovarian cancer survivors should consume 300 g/d vegetables and 300 g/d fruit

The number of cancer survivors is growing rapidly worldwide, especially long-term survivors. Although a healthy diet with a high vegetable and fruit consumption is a key factor in primary cancer prevention, there is a lack of specific dietary recommendations for cancer survivors, except in the case of breast cancer [World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) report]. Therefore, this review article (meta-analysis) has been conducted.

Elevated D-dimer levels increase risk of severe and mortality among patients with COVID-19 infection

Do elevated D-dimer levels increase risk of severe and mortality among patients with COVID-19 infection?

Study design:
This review article included 18 studies (16 retrospective and 2 prospective) with a total of 3,682 COVID-19 patients.

Results and conclusions:   
The investigators found pooled weighted mean difference (WMD) demonstrated significantly elevated D-dimer levels in patients who died versus those who survived [WMD = 6.13 mg/L, 95% CI = 4.16 to 8.11, p 0.001].