Voeding en gezondheid

Minimaal 20 gram Allium groenten per dag verlaagt maagkanker

Research Question:
The chemopreventive action of Allium vegetables (onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, chives, etc.) is extensively studied, but their effect on getting stomach cancer is controversial. Therefore this verzichtsartikel run.

Allium vegetables eating lowers the chances of getting stomach cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 19 case-control studies and 2 cohort studies with 543220 participants.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found in a pooled analysis of all studies, that eating a lot of Allium vegetables compared to little, the chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 46% [odds ratio (or) = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.43-0.65] reduced.

The researchers found in specific analyses for onion, garlic, leek, Chinese chives and shallots similar results.

The researchers found that each increase in case-control studies with 20 grams of Allium vegetables each day, the chances of getting stomach cancer significantly with 9% [95% CI = 0.88-0.94] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that eating a lot of Allium vegetables per day (minimum 20 grams) reduced the chance of getting stomach cancer.

Original title:
Consumption or large amounts or Allium vegetables reduces risk for gastric cancer in a meta-analysis by Zhou Y, Zhuang W, [...] Wu XT.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Allium vegetables are onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, chives, etc.. Allium is the Latin name for look, a genus mainly of ground with worldwide almost seven hundred varieties.

The daily recommendation is 200-300 grams of vegetables per day.

This meal delivers 120 grams of Allium vegetables


600-900 mg knoflooksupplementen per dag verlaagt de bloeddruk

Research Question:
Swallowing garlic supplements lowers the blood pressure?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 11 Rcts to October 2007. The dosages of the garlic supplements ranged from 3.6 to 5.4 mg of allicin per day or 600-900 mg. The duration of 7 of the 11 studies was 12 weeks.
There was no publication bias.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that people who took garlic supplements compared with people who had no garlic supplements had to allow a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure, with the 4.6 mmHg [± 2.8 mmHg, p = 0.001]. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that people with high blood pressure who took garlic supplements compared with people who had no garlic supplements had to allow a significant reduction of the peak pressure, with 8.4 mmHg [± 2.8 mmHg, p 0.001] and a significant reduction in the vacuum with 7.3 mmHg [± 1.5 mmHg, p 0.001].

The researchers concluded that taking garlic supplements (600-900 mg daily) reduced blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure.

Original title:
Effect of garlic on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Frank Ried K, OR, [...], Sullivan t.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Garlic contains 33 sulfur-containing compounds. Allicin is considered to be the most important bioactive sulfur compound in garlic. When garlic is chopped or crushed, put the enzyme allinase (present in garlic) Tasha (present in intact garlic) into allicin. The typical smell of garlic comes from the breakdown products of allicin.

Tasha 1 mg is equal to 0.45 mg allicin. 1 gram of garlic delivers 2.5-4.5 mg allicin. So a clove of garlic by 2 grams delivers 5-9 mg of allicin. So 3.6 mg allicin corresponds to 0.8-1.44 grams of garlic and 5.4 mg of allicin is equivalent to 1.2-2.2 grams of garlic.


6 teentjes knoflook per week verlaagt mogelijk dikke darmkanker en maagkanker

Research Question:

Eating garlic lowers the chances of getting cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 22 studies (case-control studies and cohort studies) until August 1999. There was heterogeneity between studies (p = 0.0002) and publication bias (p = 0.049). 

The difference between the highest and lowest intake of garlic was 16 grams per week (5-6 cloves of garlic).  

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that people with the highest intake of garlic compared with the lowest intake, the chances of getting colon cancer significantly with 31% [95% CI = 0.55-0.89] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that people with the highest intake of garlic compared with the lowest intake, the chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 47% [95% CI = 0.31-0.92] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers concluded that eating lots of garlic (6 cloves or more per week) the chances of getting colon cancer and stomach cancer may be reduced. Possible because there was heterogeneity between the studies and publication bias.

Original title:
Garlic consumption and cancer prevention: meta-analyses or colorectal and stomach cancers by Fleischauer AT, Poole C and Arab L.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Garlic contains 33 sulfur-containing compounds. Allicin is considered to be the most important bioactive sulfur compound in garlic. When garlic is chopped or crushed, put the enzyme allinase (present in garlic) Tasha (present in intact garlic) into allicin. The typical smell of garlic comes from the breakdown products of allicin.

Tasha 1 mg is equal to 0.45 mg allicin. 1 gram of garlic delivers 2.5-4.5 mg allicin. So a clove of garlic by 2 grams delivers 5-9 mg of allicin.

The effective dosage of garlic has not been established but the recommended dosage in scientific studies for adults is 4 g (one to two cloves) raw garlic per day.


Knoflooksupplementen gedurende 2 maanden verlagen het cholesterolgehalte bij mensen met een hoog cholesterolgehalte

Research Question:
Lowers swallowing garlic supplements the cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 39 Rcts.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that taking garlic supplements over 2 months total cholesterol in people with high cholesterol levels (above 200 mg/dL), significantly reduced by 17 ± 6 mg/dL. A reduction in total cholesterol by 8% was clinically relevant and was associated with a reduced risk of getting heart disease in 50-year-olds with 38%.

The researchers found that taking garlic supplements over 2 months the LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in people with high cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL), significantly reduced 9 ± 6 mg/dL. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found that taking garlic supplements over 2 months the HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) significantly slightly elevated but it had no significant effect on the triglyceride levels.

The researchers concluded that taking garlic supplements over 2 months the cholesterol levels in people with cholesterol levels of above 200 mg/dL, lowered.

Original title:
Effect of garlic on serum lipids: an updated meta-analysis by Ried K, Toben Fakler C and P.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies on garlic.
Read more about cholesterol.

Knoflook en uien verlagen waarschijnlijk maagkanker

Research Question:

Allium-eating vegetables lowers the chances of getting stomach cancer?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 22 case-control studies and cohort studies with more than 10000 cases together 4.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found 4 in 10 case-control studies and cohort studies, that a high intake of allium vegetables compared to a low, the chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 12% [95% CI = 0.67-0.91] reduced.

The researchers found in 4 cohort studies, that a high intake of allium vegetables compared to a low, the chance of getting stomach cancer non-significant with 2% [95% CI = 0.88-1.18] increased.

The researchers found in 12 case-control studies, that a high intake of garlic compared to a low, the chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 40% [95% CI = 0.47-. 76] reduced.

The researchers found in 13 case-control studies, that a high intake of onions compared to a low, the chance of getting stomach cancer significantly with 45% [95% CI = 0.41-0.73] reduced.

The researchers concluded that eating allium vegetables, garlic and onions in particular, the chance of getting stomach cancer probably reduced. Probably because the reduced risk was not found in cohort studies.

Original title:
Allium vegetable intake and gastric cancer: A case-control study and meta-analysis by Turati F, Pelucchi C, [...], Galeone C.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies on allium vegetables.

Allium groenten

  • Allium is the Latin name for look, a genus mainly of ground with worldwide almost seven hundred varieties. Most alliums are bulbous plants.
  • To the Allium vegetables include garlic, onions, shallots, spring onions, chives and leeks. The typical smell of Allium vegetables is caused by sulfur-containing compounds. This sulfur-containing compounds have antioxidative effect.
  • When cutting an onion makes the knife a number of cells is broken. The enzyme allinase comes in contact with the aminozuursulfoxides and aminozuursulfoxides under the influence of oxygen by the enzyme allinase using pyridoxal phosphate converted to 1-propeensulfeenzuur. This 1-propeensulfeenzuur is in turn converted to LPG: syn-propaanthial-S-oxide. This gas is ultimately responsible for the watery eyes.
  • The organic sulfur compounds responsible for the typical smell and taste of onions are diallyl disulfide, diphenylthiosulfinate, quercetin and allicin.
  • Garlic contains 33 sulfur-containing compounds. Allicin is considered to be the most important bioactive sulfur compound in garlic. When garlic is chopped or crushed, put the enzyme allinase (present in garlic) Tasha (present in intact garlic) into allicin. The typical smell of cut garlic comes from the breakdown products of allicin.
  • Tasha 1 mg is equal to 0.45 mg allicin.
    1 gram of garlic delivers 2.5-4.5 mg allicin. So a clove of garlic by 2 grams delivers 5-9 mg of allicin.
  • The typical garlic smell in the mouth after eating garlic is caused by the sulfur compound allylmethylsulfide.

Scientific studies on Allium vegetables:
The review articles (meta-analyses) of randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind human studies (Rcts) answer the following question:
"Is swallowing food supplements make sense?". Yes at a positive conclusion and no in the case of a negative conclusion.

The review articles (meta-analyses) of cohort studies or case-control studies answer the following question:
"Should I change my diet?".

  1. Garlic and onions probably reduce stomach cancer
  2. Garlic supplements reduce blood pressure
  3. Garlic supplements reduce cholesterol levels for 2 months in people with high cholesterol
  4. 6 cloves of garlic per week reduces possible colon cancer and stomach cancer
  5. 600-900 mg of garlic supplements per day lowers blood pressure
  6. At least 20 grams of Allium vegetables per day lowers stomach cancer
  7. Allium vegetables may reduce prostate cancer


Bier verlaagt de ziekte van Parkinson onder mannen


Research Question:
Drinking alcohol reduces the chance of getting Parkinson's?

Study Design:
This overview article contained 32 items with 677550 participants, of which 9994 people with Parkinson's disease.

Results and conclusions:
The researchers found that after having corrected for smoking, a high alcohol consumption compared to a low, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease significantly with 22% [RR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.67-0.92] reduced.

The researchers found that after having corrected for smoking, a high alcohol consumption compared to a low, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease in prospective cohort studies significantly with 14% [RR = 0.86, 95% CI = 0.75-0.995] reduced.

The researchers found that after having corrected for smoking, a high alcohol consumption compared to a low, the chance of getting Parkinson's disease in matched case-control studies significantly with 26% [RR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.58-0.96] reduced. Significant is, there is a link at a 95% reliability.

The researchers found a significant Association for beer in the sensitivity analyses [RR = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.39-0.90], but not for wine or liqueur and among men [RR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.47-0.90] but not among women. Significant because RR of 1 was not in 95% CI of 0.47 to 0.90. RR of 1 is, there is no risk.

The researchers found that every glass of alcohol a day, the odds of getting Parkinson's disease with non-significant 5% RR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.89-1.02, p for non-linear = 0.85] reduced.

On the basis of the found results the researchers concluded that drinking alcohol, especially beer the chance of getting Parkinson's disease, especially among men decreased. 

Original title:
Alcohol intake and risk of Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis of observational studies by Zhang D, Jiang H and Xie J.


Additional information about El Mondo:
Find here more studies on alcohol.


Geen toegevoegde suikers van Karvan Cévitam 75% fruit sinaasappel voldoet niet aan de wettelijke eis!

Vanessa Cafe 75% Orange

Karvan Cévitam 75% fruit orange.

The product does not contain any dyes and no added sugar.

75% fruit Orange:
The product is called 75% fruit. But what does 75% fruit anyway?
When consulting the ingredients list falls to read that 75% 75% fruit juice from fruit juice concentrate State. But what is meant by the law under fruit juice concentrate? Fruit juices in the Decree States that fruit juice from concentrate:
goods which is obtained by adding again to concentrated fruit juice:

  1. the amount of water extracted from that juice during concentration;
  2. the disappeared from the juice but during the production process of the fruit juice, or of the fruit juice of the same kind, retrieved on flavourings; and
  3. where appropriate, pulp and cells;

In other words, for the law is nothing but fruit juice concentrate concentrated juice with hardly any water, fibres, vitamins and aromas. In other words, fruit juice concentrate not on fresh fruit seems to be in the vertste! So the word "fruit" on the package does not have the same meaning as fruit from a fruit basket!

The product is called 75% fruit orange. The name gives the suggestion that this product from 75% Orange exists. When consulting the ingredients list falls to read that 75% fruit Orange from only 26% Orange exists.  The remaining 49% is Mandarin, Apple and rosehip. But how many percent Mandarin is in this product anyway?
The ingredients list shows that the word "Mandarin" for the word "orange" State. That is, the percentage of Mandarin orange in this product is higher than the percentage. In other words, 75% fruit Orange consists of more than 26% Mandarin or there is more Mandarin than orange in 75% fruit Orange!
So 75% fruit orange is a misleading name and is therefore inconsistent with the food law.
As a consumer's good to know that the order of the ingredients in the ingredients list is established by law. The ingredients list always starts with the ingredient that the largest percentage in the product delivers and ends with the ingredient with the lowest rate in the product.

Mandarin and Apple juice concentrate are cheap fruit juice concentrates and are therefore often used to sapgehalte up to the legal requirement. The legal claim in this case is 75%.

The manufacturer claims that this product in Orange (hence the name 75% orange) is the percentage of the law and so he has orange in the ingredients list release. He claims also that in this product not Mandarin, Apple and rosehip is he of the law and therefore the percentage of Mandarin, Apple and rosehip also not to release.
As a consumer's good to know that the manufacturer against releasing the percentage in the ingredients list. Releasing the percentage that makes the product easy to duplicate and that the manufacturer does not!

15% RDA vitamins:
In this product are 5 vitamins that each delivers 15% RDA per 100 ml (see table nutritional value per 100 ml). 15% RDA per 100 ml is the minimum legal requirement to be able to claim that vitamins in the product. In other words, when the manufacturer vitamins (but also minerals) to add a product, he must always add at least 15% RDA per 100 ml.
Hence, the consumer often 15% AHD on the packaging encounters.
That this product artificially (i.e. not submitted by fruit juice concentrate) vitamins is added, can be seen in the ingredients list. What in the ingredients list will be artificially added during production. In the ingredients list of this product is that the word "vitamins" to read.
It is cheap vitamins from a bag than fruit juice concentrate.

15% RDA betrays that the manufacturer is not so much to the health of consumers. Because if he really gives the health of consumers then he has added more than 15% RDA per 100 ml. But that he has not done. The reason behind this is, it's not so much how many vitamins the manufacturer in the product. It comes to him before the word vitamin to put on the package and that should not take the law from 15% RDA.

The RDA of vitamins on the packaging is submitted by the consumer goods Act and not by the Health Council of the Netherlands. In other words, as a consumer, you have nothing to the RDA on the packaging because the AHD of the commodities Act does not always reflect those of the Health Council of the Netherlands! The AHD of the Health Council of the Netherlands can be found on the website of the food centre.

Citric Acid:
In this product about acidifier citric acid. Acidifier is for the law an E-number. Citric acid is necessary for the product to a requirement to bring around acidity of 3.5. An acidity of around 3.5 is required to give the product a few months. In other words, an acidity of 3.5 is a conservation technique.

Although the product has a pH of around 3.5, tastes the product is not acid. That's because the sugars in this product the sour taste masking. Buttermilk, for example, has a pH of 4.4, much higher than 3.5 and yet tastes like buttermilk acid. That's because in buttermilk no sugars that the sour taste masking.

As a consumer's good to know that when in a product citric acid or carbon dioxide is, also always sugars, sweeteners or citrate are. Sugars, sweeteners and citrate can namely the sour taste, caused by carbonic acid citric acid or masking.

Potassium Sorbate:
The product contains the preservative potassium sorbate. Potassium sorbate is a cheap preservative and is therefore often used. Because the amount of citric acid is not sufficient to give this product a few months is potassium sorbate added.

As a consumer's good to know that the food industry multiple techniques (adding citric acid, carbonic acid and potassium sorbate) used to preserve a product.

This product contains a preservative but preservative consumer has a negative image. Therefore "contains a preservative" on the package left out!

No sugar added:
On the packaging is to read "no sugar added". No sugar added is a nutrition claim and the manufacturer may only put this nutrition claim on the package when he during production no sugar in the form of sucrose, glucose and/or glucose fructose syrup has added. But the ingredients list shows, however, that the manufacturer during production have such sugars sucrose and glucose fructose syrup in the form added. In the ingredients list, namely the word "sugar or sucrose" and "glucose-fructose syrup" to read.
In other words, the manufacturer violates the law here because the "nutrition claim" no sugar added "meets does not meet the legal requirement. This is a gross error and NVWA will the manufacturer on the fingers have to click!

Is there E-numbers in?
Yes in this product are 4 E-numbers. Is citric acid E330, vitamin C is E300, potassium sorbate is E202 and vitamin E is E309.

Vitamins are food industry E-numbers!

What is healthier?
Karvan Cévitam 75% fruit orange or orange from a fruit basket?

Nutritional Values:
This product delivers per 200 ml prepared product And 0.53% protein, 96 and% carbohydrates (of which 96 And% simple sugars) and 0 And% fat. By its high content of simple sugars product tastes sweet.

Overweight people are advised to choose products with up to 25 and% simple sugars.


Suikerziekte verhoogt de kans op primaire leverkanker

Research questio
n: Studies on the relationship between diabetes and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer) gave inconsistent findings on. It was therefore carried out this review

article.Diabetes increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma?Study design:

rol studies contained This review article 17 and 32 cohort studies.Resul

ts and conclusions: th
e meta-analysis showed a significant increased risk [RR = 2.31, 95% CI = 1.87-2.84] on getting hepatocellular carcinoma patients see under sugar. The significant increased risk of 17 case-control studies was 2.40 [95% CI = 1.85-3.11] and under 25 cohort studies was 2.23 [95% CI: 1.68-2.96]. Significant is, there is a link.

The meta-analysis also showed that diabetics 2.43 times more likely [RR = 2.43, 95% CI = 1.66-3.55] walked, dying to hepatocellular carcinoma than those without diabetes.

The researchers concluded that the chance of getting diabetes both hepatocellular carcinoma as dead to hepatocellular carcinoma increased.Original

title: Diabetes mel
litus and risk or hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Wang P, Kang DH, [...], Liu Z.

k: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dmrr.1291/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthent

icated=falseExtra informati
on of El Mondo: HCC or primary liver cancer is very rare in the Western world a malignant tumor, but the most frequent primary malignant liver tumor. Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most common malignant diseases.The main caus
es of primary liver cancer are hepatitis B, C and D, alcoholic liver cirrhosis, metabolic liver diseases (such as hemochromatosis and alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.More t
han 80% of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma has cirrhosis of the liver.

Bereiding & Ingrediënten van rijst met garnalen en Chinese kool voor 4 personen


  • Cook the rice according to package directions until tende[Zilvervliesrijst bevat meer vezels dan witte rijs]r.
  • Peel the prawns, mix them in a bowl stir-fry sauce and thread them to the Satay sticks. [Prawns is Spanish for shrimp].
  • Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the shrimp 3 minutes over high heat. Once the shrimp stir-fry sauce and add the rest of the half way to far.
  • When the rice is done, wash and slice the Chinese cabbage, cut into strips [by the sliced Chinese cabbage to quickly stir beacon and to serve directly, the vitamin loss limited].
  • Heat the olive oil in a wok. Add the minced garlic and sauté the garlic 1 minute.
  • Add the sliced cabbage to the wok and stir fry the cabbage 3 minutes. The Court then bring to taste with salt and pepper [you can salt (sodium chloride) replaced by herbs or potassium salt because potassium lowers blood pressure while sodium raises blood pressure].
  • Scoop the rice into the Bowl 4 Bowl and times on the Board to for a nice timbale.
  • Add shrimp and the coal.
  • Garnish with peanuts fijngebroken [the proteins in peanuts can cause allergic reactions in some people].


  • King-size prawns (500 grams)
  • 1 bottle of stir-fry sauce (250 ml)
  • White rice (400 g)
  • 1 Chinese cabbage (1000 grams)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil (40 grams)
  • 1 clove garlic (5 grams)
  • Unsalted peanuts (50 grams)
  • 8 Satay sticks


Rijst met garnalen en Chinese kool voor 4 personen

Rice with Chinese cabbage and shrimp for 4 people

Preparation & Ingredients

Nutritional value
: this recipe contains 32 grams of protein, 647 kcal per person, 24 grams of fat and 75 grams of carbohydrate or protein, 34 and% fat And 20% And 46% carbohydrates. This recipe contains 6 and% saturat
ed fat.This is a sensible dinner because a responsible dinner contains up to 750 kcal. People who watch their weight are recommended to choose for responsible meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

.This meal has a GI number of around 49 is therefore suitable for diabetics. Diabetics are recommended meals with a low GI number to eat because they do less strongly fluctuating blood sugar le
vels.Meals with a low GI number meals with a GI number of 55 or below. Meals with a low GI number give a longer satiety (so less at different times during the day) than meals with a high GI number (70 or higher).

This meal contains shrimp 300 grams cholesterol and is therefore not suitable for people with high cholesterol. People with high cholesterol is recommended up to 200 grams of cholesterol per day to
eat.High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease.In shri
mp are much cholesterol but also a lot of vitamin B12.

This meal covers thanks to the shrimp the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12 by 7 days and is therefore suitable for the elderly because vitamin B12 deficiency is common in the el
derly for.Vitamin B12 is not found in herbal products.

In combination with
: this meal coupled with 1 serving (40 grams) breakfast product Brinta, 4 slices of whole wheat bread, 25 grams of dried pears and 2 bananas supplies 26 grams of fiber on. 25-30 grams of fiber a day lowers the chances of getting heart disease, colon cancer and obesity.Whole wheat
bread and dried fruits are high in fiber.Fiber-rich
products (at least 1.3 grams of fiber per 100 kcal) give a longer satiety and therefore less at different times throughout the day.

This meal in combination with 4 glasses (600 ml) buttermilk or with 4 glasses (600 ml) semi-skimmed milk covers the recommended daily intake of 1000 mg. calcium 100
0 mg of calcium a day in combination with enough vitamin D (5-30 micrograms) is necessary for the maintenance of strong bones. Chinese cabbage contains a lot of calcium and is therefore a good alternative to milk and dairy produc

ts.Replaced by t
he following: by 400 grams of white to replace 400 grams rice basmati rice drops the GI number from 49 to 31.

By 500 grams to replace 500 gram salmon shrimp meal per person covers the recommended daily amount of EPA and DHA from 5 days and the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12 by 1 day. This replacement supplies per person also 10 micrograms of vi
tamin d. by 500 grams to replace 500 gram salmon shrimp delivers the meal per person only 100 grams of cholesterol on.


The following are food and beverages in supermarkets both technological and nutritional analy
sis.Technological means:

  • Why is a particular ingredient in the product?
  • What is really mean by Giant Savings">t by a certain text (such as, no sugar added, 15% RDA vitamin C and 30% less sugars) on the packaging?

Nutritional scientist is to say:

  • How healthy or unhealthy is the product anyway? 

The products:


ieronder are food and beverages in supermarkets both technological and nutritional analysis.Technological means:

  • Why is a particular ingredient in the product?
  • What is rea by Giant Savings">lly meant by a certain text (such as, no sugar added, 15% RDA vitamin C and 30% less sugars) on the packaging?

Nutritional scientist is to say:

  • How healthy or unhealthy is the product anyway? 

The products:



Athletes who have no healthy and varied food, vitamin and mineral supplements required. Vitamin and mineral supplements can not directly increase the sport performance. They can shorten the recovery period between workouts by.

When you swallow food supplements anyway, then it's good to know, that:

  • The operation depends on the dosage and the duration.
  • The recording never 100%. So is the inclusion of L-carnitinesupplement 15-20%. That is, when you 300 mg L-carnitine swallows, then the body has only 45-60 mg included. The manufacturer is not required to mention how much of a food supplement is included in the body eventually.
  • Dietary supplements are not always doping free. Doping free nutritional supplements on this website.
  • Vitamins and minerals increase the sports performance not directly but indirectly. Swallowing vitamins and minerals can shorten the recovery period.
  • The operation is found when a positive conclusion is really pás in an overview article of randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind human studies or when the claim has been approved by EFSA.
  • NOC * NSF has approved the operation of a number of nutritional supplements.

Swallow while exercising no supplements. They affect the sport performance.

It has been scientifically proven that water, sugar, creatine and caffeine intake during exercise increase the sport performance.

Power supply with less than 55% carbohydrates And 20% fat and/or less has adverse impact on the sport performance.

At a low-carbohydrate diet ( 5 grams of carbohydrate per kg of body weight) can take up to 2-3 days after exercising the glycogen supply is again at the previous level.

Building up the glycogen and creatine inventory:
Get athletes during exercise mainly energy from carbohydrates that are stored as glycogen in the body. For the sport that needs lots of energy in a very short time, is creatine also an important energy supplier. Therefore, it is recommended that you briefly a competition the glycogen and creatine to build inventory.

Build up the glycogen supply is done via the tape ring off method of 3 days for a competition. The carbohydrate intake during this 3 days is 7-10 grams of carbohydrate per kg of body weight per day.

Refurbishment of the creatine inventory in the body is done in 2 phases: the load and maintenance phase. Creatine can best be taken with carbohydrates. The 2 ways to creatine to build inventory are:

  1. 0.3 grams of creatine per kilogram body weight per day (5-7 grams of creatine per times with an interval of 3-4 hours) and that 3-7 days long. After 3-5 grams of creatine per day for 4-10 weeks long.
  2. 2-3 grams of creatine per day and that 30 days long.

The glycogen resynthesis (supplementing the glycogen supply weather after exercise) is the fastest within 30-60 minutes after exercise. The rate of glycogen resynthesis reaches its maximum at 0.8 grams of carbohydrate per kg body weight per hour.

During 24-48 hours after exercise the muscle and bone growth takes place.

It is a misconception that isotonic sports drink is absorbed faster than hypotonic sports drinks. The sugar content and the type of sugar turn out of essential significance.

Rehydration drinks serve a mOsm/l from bottom to have 500 osmolality, preferably below 300 and a sugar content of 40-80 grams per litre. Rehydration is replenishing moisture during a physical effort.

Isotonic sports drink has an osmolality of around 300 mOsm/l and a sugar content of 40-80 grams per litre. During exercise is the preferred isotonic sports drink and is hypertonic sports drink (> 80 grams of sugar per liter) discouraged. The osmolality of our blood is about 275-300 mOsm/l.

Sports drinks with 40-80 grams of carbohydrates and 280-660 mg sodium per litre is the fastest in the body. This is the ideal isotonic sports drink. Sports drink is recommended for the moderate sports longer than 60-90 minutes.

A sports drink or thirst quencher contains 40-80 grams of sugar per liter. A sports energy drink contains more than 80 grams of sugar per liter. It contains sugar also often caffeine, taurine and carbon dioxide.

There is internationally recommended to 250 ml fluid per 15 minutes during exercise (or 1000 ml of fluid per hour) in order to prevent dehydration, but also in order to be able to keep the sport performance. Furthermore, it is a scientific fact that the body up to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour can break down to there, to get energy for exercise.

If you are energetic, during exercise means that you have eaten enough carbohydrates.

It is best between 2 and 4 hours before exercise to eat.

PAP in the legs indicates exhaustion of the glycogen.

The daily protein requirements of an athlete can be calculated as follows:
Daily protein requirements = fat free mass (FFM) x 2.75.

The resting metabolism (RMR) of an athlete can be calculated as follows:
RMR (Kcal/d) = (11.797 x weight in kg) + (6.487 x height in cm)-(5.180 x age) + (186.017 x gender (male = 1, female = 0))-139.444.

The common nutrient deficiencies among athletes are calcium, vitamin D and iron deficiency (often among female athletes).

How does the energy distribution during exercise look like?

Energy Distribution

Dietary advice when playing sports:

  • The last meal must have 2-4 hours for the sports are enjoyed.
  • Professional athletes are advised to choose products with at least 55 And 60-70% (and%) carbohydrates, And by 20-30% fat for products and for products with 15-25 and% protein or a daily diet with:

    15-25 and 20-30% protein, And fat, up to 10% And% saturated fat, up to 0.5 grams of sodium per 100 grams (100 ml), And a minimum of 25% simple sugars, at least 1.3 grams of fiber per 100 kcal and 60-70 and% (minimum 55 and%) carbohydrates.
  • Swallow dietary supplements only under expert guidance!
  • 0.5 mg vitamin B1 per 1000 kcal.
  • 0.6 mg vitamin B2 per 1000 kcal.
  • 0.02 milligrams of vitamin B6 per gram of protein consumed.
  • The recommended daily dose is 6 mg magnesium per kg body weight.
  • The recommended daily dose is 5-7 grams of carbohydrate per kg of body weight per day and koolhyrdaten 8-10 grams per kg of body weight during the tape ring-off period.
  • The recommended daily amount of protein for athletes is 1.2-1.8 grams per kg of body weight and for strength athletes is that 1.5 grams per kg of body weight during the maintenance phase and 2.0 grams per kg of body weight during the construction phase.
  • The rest metabolism can be calculated with the following formula:
    Resting metabolism (kcal/d) = (11.797 x weight in kg) + (6.487 x height in cm) – (5.180 x age) + (186.017 x gender) – 139.444.
    Sex should be completed at a 1 in men and in women a 0.

For the sports:

  • Drink the last 2 hours before the match 500-1000 ml moisture.
  • 5-30 minutes before exercise take 50 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Take 10 grams of protein right before exercising at because it promotes the recovery of the muscle damage.
  • Drink the last 3-5 minutes for the effort 150-300 ml water or thirst-quencher. This is called prehydration.

During exercise:

  • Take while exercising no more than 35 grams of fructose per litre because fructose is slowly taken up and therefore gastrointestinal complaints.
  • Drinking while exercising 125-250 ml of fluid per quarter.
  • Choose during exercise for a sports drink with an osmolality around 300 mOsm/l or below 500.
  • Avoid hypertonic sports drinks during exercise.
  • Drinking water during exercise, isotonic or hypotonic sports drinks. Isotonic sports drink has an osmolality of around 300 mOsm/l and a sugar content of 40-80 grams per litre. Hypotonic sports drinks has a sugar content of less than 40 grams per liter.
  • The optimal sports drink during sports is a sports drink with 6 g of sugar per 100 ml.
  • Drinking while exercising no coffee because coffee works vochtdrijvend allowing you to go to the toilet more often and thus lose a lot of moisture.

After exercise:

  • After exercise, there are 2 ways to replenish the glycogen supply:
    1. The first way: take directly (within 30 minutes) after exercise 1.2 grams of carbohydrates (preferably quickly absorbable sugars, such as glucose) per kg body weight. Repeat this every hour for 4-6 hours.
    2. The two way: 0.8 grams of carbohydrate per kg body weight + 0.4 grams of protein or amino acids per kg body weight per hour. Repeat this every hour for 4-6 hours.
  • It is recommended that after the effort 1.5 times the amount of water that is lost during the effort to complete.
  • Weighing you before and after exercise. Is your weight loss exceeding 1 kg then you have while exercising too little drunk. Each kg weight loss after exercise is equivalent to 1 liter of water. Moisture loss and-supplement is per sport different. Please consult a sports dietitian!
  • Take 10 grams of protein within 30 minutes after an intensive strength training in because it promotes the recovery of the muscle damage.

Handy websites for topspporters:

  • Sports supplements (doping free nutritional supplements for elite athletes)
  • NOCNSF (Knowledge Centre for elite athletes)

Below you will find scientific investigations to sports nutrition.

The review articles of randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind human studies (Rcts) answer the following question:
"Is swallowing food supplements make sense?". Yes at a positive conclusion and no in the case of a negative conclusion.

The review articles of cohort studies or case-control studies answer the following question:
"Should I change my diet?".


  1. Lycopeensupplementen relieve possible oxidative stress
  2. 500-2000 mg of vitamin C lowers possible exercise-induced asthma
  3. 200 mg of vitamin C per day lowers the chance of a cold in athletes


  1. A high physical activity level lowers possible asthma
  2. 200-1000 mg of vitamin C per day reduces the oxidative stress
  3. Better studies are needed to the functioning of sports products
  4. 0.1 gram of creatine per kg bodyweight plus strength training improves training adjustments at the cellular and sub cellular level
  5. The effect of energy drinks on quality of life and well-being is ambiguous

Studies 2023

Hieronder vindt u wetenschappelijke onderzoeken (overzichtsartikelen) naar de relatie tussen voeding en overgewicht:
Één zwaluw maakt nog geen zomer. Dus een énkele wetenschappelijke studie over een bepaald onderwerp zegt niet zoveel maar een overzichtsartikel (=een verzameling van wetenschappelijke studies over een bepaald onderwerp) van RCT's geeft wel antwoord op de volgende vraag:
”Is het zinvol om voedingssupplementen te slikken?”. Ja bij een positieve conclusie en nee bij een negatieve conclusie.

Één zwaluw maakt nog geen zomer. Dus een énkele wetenschappelijke studie over een bepaald onderwerp zegt niet zoveel maar een overzichtsartikel (=een verzameling van wetenschappelijke studies over een bepaald onderwerp) van cohort of patënt-controle studies geeft wel antwoord op de volgende vraag:
”Moet ik mijn voedingspatroon veranderen of niet?”.

Veel vitamine E via voeding verlaagt ziekte van Parkinson


Verlaagt een hoge inname van vitamine C, vitamine E of beta-caroteen via voeding de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 13 observationele studies.

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat een hoge inname van vitamine E via voeding, de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson significant met 13% [RR = 0.87, 95% BI = 0.77 tot 0.99] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat een hoge inname van beta-caroteen via voeding, de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson onder vrouwen significant met 22% [RR = 0.78, 95% BI = 0.64 tot 0.96] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat een hoge inname van vitamine E via voeding, de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson verlaagde. Verder verlaagde een hoge inname van beta-caroteen via voeding, de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson onder vrouwen.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Vitamin C, vitamin E, β-carotene and risk of Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of observational studies by Niu F, Xie W, […], Yu X.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Vind hier meer informatie/studies over significant/RCT’s, vitamine C, E, beta-caroteen en ziekte van Parkinson.

Peulvruchten verlagen mogelijk een beroerte


Verlaagt het eten van veel peulvruchten mortaliteit (zoals, doodgaan aan alle oorzaken, kanker of hart- en vaatziekten)?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 32 cohort studies met in totaal 1141793 deelnemers, waarvan 93373 doden aan alle oorzaken (all-cause mortaliteit).

De bewijslast van de studies was zwak tot matig.

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van veel peulvruchten, de kans op doodgaan aan alle oorzaken significant met 6% [HR = 0.94, 95% BI = 0.91 tot 0.98, n = 27] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van veel peulvruchten, de kans op het krijgen van een beroerte significant met 9% [HR = 0.91, 95% BI = 0.84 tot 0.99, n = 5] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden in dosisafhankelijke analyses, dat elke verhoging met 50 gram peulvruchten per dag, de kans op doodgaan aan alle oorzaken significant met 6% [HR = 0.94, 95% BI = 0.89 tot 0.99, n = 19] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het eten van veel peulvruchten, minimaal 50 gram per dag, de kans op zowel doodgaan aan alle oorzaken als de kans op het krijgen van een beroerte mogelijk verlaagde. Mogelijk omdat de bewijslast van de studies zwak tot matig was.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Legume Consumption and Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies by Zargarzadeh N, Mousavi SM, […], Esmaillzadeh A.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Vind hier meer informatie/studies over significant/RCT’s, peulvruchten en beroerte.

Estudios 2023

Encontrar aquí los estudios científicos (artículos de revisión) acerca la relación entre la dieta y el embarazo& lactancia:
Una golondrina no hace verano. Un famoso dicho holandés que no podría ser más obvio. El hecho de que un solo estudio científico sobre un tema determinado haga ciertas afirmaciones no significa necesariamente que sea cierto. Por otro lado, un artículo de revisión (una colección de estudios científicos sobre un tema determinado) de ensayos doble-ciegos, aleatorizados, placebo controlados (review of RCTs en inglés) contestará a la siguiente pregunta:
"¿Tengo que tomar suplementos dietéticos?" Sí para una conclusión positiva y no para una conclusión negativa.

Una golondrina no hace verano. Un famoso dicho holandés que no podría ser más obvio. El hecho de que un solo estudio científico sobre un tema determinado haga ciertas afirmaciones no significa necesariamente que sea cierto. Por otro lado, un artículo de revisión (una colección de estudios científicos sobre un tema determinado) de estudios de cohorte o estudios de casos y controles contestará la pregunta siguiente:
"¿Tengo que cambiar mi dieta?".

  1. Suplementos de vitamina B6 reducen náuseas y vómitos durante embarazo

7-punten voedingsprofiel in de supermarkt

Stelt u bent vegetarisch en wilt afvallen. Hoe ziet uw dagelljkse voeding eruit?

Uw dagelijkse voeding (=het gemiddelde van al uw dagelijks gegeten producten) moet maximaal 30 En% vet, maximaal 7 En% verzadigd vet, maximaal 0.3 gram zout per 100 kcal en minimaal 1.5 gram vezels per 100 kcal bevatten. De hier onderstaande Excel-sheet geeft een voorbeeld van zo'n dagelijkse voeding. U krijgt het voorbeeld te zien door in het kolom "Gegeten" op JA te selecteren.

Welke producten u uit de supermarkt moet eten om te kunnen voldoen aan het afvaldieet, kunt u in de onderstaande Excel-sheet opzoeken (de Excel-sheet bevat 1950 producten uit de supermarkt. Onderin wordt uitgelegd hoe de Excel-sheet werkt).

Dit Excel-sheet is goed te zien bij een vergroting van 130%.
Vergroten: Ctrl indrukken + scrollen met de muis.

Hoe bereken ik mijn dagelijkse voeding?
Klik met de muis ergens in de tweede tabel en druk vervolgens op Ctrl+ End op de toetsenbord in.
Het einde van de tabel wordt hierdoor zichtbaar.
Druk op F5 van de toetsenbord wanneer u met stap 1 begint.
Tip: werkt de tabel niet als u wilt, druk dan op F5 en begint opnieuw. U kunt deze Excel-sheet via het Excel-icoon ook downloaden.

Stap 1: In kolom Gegeten op filter-icoon klikken, Filter, (Blanks) uitvinken, OK.
De gegeten producten in het voorbeeld (van de Excel-sheet) worden zichtbaar.
Stap 2: JA in kolom Gegeten deleten.
Door een JA weg te halen, ziet u dat de formule verandert.
JA verwijderen: zet de muisteken precies op JA, linkermuis dubbelklikken, Backspace .
Stap 3: In kolom Gegeten op filter-icoon klikken, Clear Filter from "Gegeten" uitvinken, OK.
De 800 producten worden weer zichtbaar.
Stap 4: Eventueel filteren op producten met minder dan 35 En% vet, minder dan 10 En% verzadidg vet, minder 0.5 gram natrium per 100 gram en meer dan 1.3 gram vezels per 100 kcal.
Filter ongedaan maken: Clear filter uitvinken.
(Voorbeeld: filteren op producten met meer dan 1,3 gram vezels per 100 kcal. Klik op filter-icoon van kolom vezel per 100 kcal, Number Filters, Greater Than, 1,3 invullen, OK. Werk met komma of puntjes; afhankeklijk van uw toetsenbord (Nederlands of Engels)!).
Zo weet u zeker dat uw voeding altijd voldoet aan de richtlijnen van een gezonde voeding!
Stap 5: JA in kolom Gegeten invullen.
Stap 6: In kolom Gegeten op filter-icoon klikken, Filter, (Blanks) uitvinken, OK.
Uw gegeten producten worden zichtbaar.
Stap 7: De formule onderin geeft aan of uw dagelijkse voeding voldoet aan de richtlijnen van een gezonde voeding of niet.
Er wordt ook berekend wat uw voeding van de volgende dag mag zijn.
Stap 8: Mocht uw voeding op maandag 40 En% vet, 14 En% verzadigd vet, 0.2 gram zout per 100 kcal, 1.0 gram vezels per 100 kcal bevatten. Dan moet uw voeding van de volgende dag maximaal 30 En% vet, maximaal 6 En% verzadigd vet, maximaal 0.3 gram zout per 100 kcal en minimaal 1.6 gram vezels per 100 kcal bevatten.

Een gezond product mag voedingskundig gezien maximaal 35 En% eiwit, maximaal 35 En% vet, maximaal 10 En% verzadigd vet, maximaal 0.3 gram zout per 100 kcal, maximaal 25 En% eenvoudige suikers en minimaal 1.3 gram vezels per 100 kcal bevatten.

Een dagelijks gezonde voeding bestaat voornamelijk uit gezonde producten oftewel een dagelijks gezonde voeding (=het gemiddelde van alle dagelijks gegeten producten) mag maximaal 35 En% eiwit, maximaal 35 En% vet, maximaal 10 En% verzadigd vet, maximaal 0.3 gram zout per 100 kcal, maximaal 25 En% eenvoudige suikers en minimaal 1.3 gram vezels per 100 kcal bevatten.                                 

Een dagelijks gezonde voeding mag best ongezonde producten bevatten, mits er gecorrigeerd wordt voor het ongezonde deel van de desbetreffende producten.
Bijvoorbeeld: om weer op de richtlijn van 35 En% vet, waarvan maximaal 10 En% verzadigd vet uit te komen, moet een product met 50 En% vet en 15 En% verzadigd vet gecombineerd worden met producten die maximaal 20 En% vet, waarvan maximaal 5 En% verzadigd vet bevatten!

Een gezond gewicht is een combinatie van gezonde voeding volgens het 7-puntenprofiel én dagelijkse lichaamsbeweging.
15-30% van de dagelijkse calorie-inname (kcal) moet besteed worden aan de lichamelijke activiteiten.





Dagelijks 200 gram zuivelproducten verhogen ziekte van Parkinson


De huidige bevindingen over de differentiële effecten van de verschillende dierlijke eiwittenbronnen in voeding op het risico op het krijgen van neurodegeneratieve ziekten zijn tegenstrijdig. Daarom werd dit overzichtsartikel uitgevoerd.

Wat is de relatie tussen het eten van de verschillende dierlijke eiwittenbronnen, zoals zuivel, vlees, gevogelte en vis en de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Alzheimer, dementie of de ziekte van Parkinson?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 33 prospectieve cohort studies.

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van vis de kans op het krijgen van Alzheimer significant met 25% [RR = 0.75, 95% BI = 0.57 tot 0.97] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van vis de kans op het krijgen van dementie significant met 16% [RR = 0.84, 95% BI = 0.75 tot 0.93] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van vis de kans op cognitieve achteruitgang significant met 15% [RR = 0.85, 95% BI = 0.81 tot 0.95] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van veel (totale) zuivelproducten de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson significant met 49% [RR = 1.49, 95% BI = 1.06 tot 2.10] verhoogde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het drinken van veel melk de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson significant met 40% [RR = 1.40, 95% BI = 1.13 tot 1.73] verhoogde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van veel (totale) zuivelproducten de kans op cognitieve achteruitgang significant met 11% [RR = 0.89, 95% BI = 0.80 tot 0.99] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van veel (totaal) vlees de kans op cognitieve achteruitgang significant met 28% [RR = 0.72, 95% BI = 0.57 tot 0.90] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van veel gevogelte de kans op cognitieve achteruitgang significant met 18% [RR = 0.82, 95% BI = 0.68 tot 0.99] verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat elke verhoging met 200 gram (totale) zuivelproducten per dag, de kans op cognitieve achteruitgang significant met 12% verlaagde.

De onderzoekers vonden dat elke verhoging met 200 gram (totale) zuivelproducten per dag, de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Parkinson significant met 11% verhoogde.

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het eten van vis zowel de kans op het krijgen van de ziekte van Alzheimer, dementie als cognitieve achteruitgang verlaagde, terwijl zuivelproducten, met name melk de ziekte van Parkinson verhoogde.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Association between animal protein sources and risk of neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis by Talebi S, Asoudeh F, […], Mohammadi H.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Vind hier meer informatie/studies over significant/RCT’s, zuivelproducten, vis, vlees en dementie.


Tomaten verlagen causaal tumornecrosefactor-alfa gehalte bij volwassenen


Ontsteking is een belangrijke oorzaak van chronische ziekten. Verschillende studies hebben de effecten van het eten van tomaten op de inflammatoire biomarkers (C-reactieve proteïne (CRP), interleukine 6 (IL-6) en tumornecrosefactor-α (TNF-α) onderzocht maar de resultaten zijn dubbelzinnig en daarom werd dit overzichtsartikel uitgevoerd.

Verlaagt het eten van tomaten causaal de kans op het krijgen van ontstekingen bij volwassenen?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 7 RCT’s met in totaal 465 deelnemers.

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat het eten van tomaten het tumornecrosefactor-alfa gehalte (TNF-α gehalte) bij volwassenen significant verlaagde [Hedges' g = -0.45, 95% BI = -0.76 tot -0.13, p = 0.005, I2 = 0.0%].
Echter, het had geen effect op het CRP en IL-6 gehalte.

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het eten van tomaten het tumornecrosefactor-alfa gehalte (TNF-α gehalte) bij volwassenen causaal verlaagde.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Effect of tomato consumption on inflammatory markers in health and disease status: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials by Widjaja G, Doewes RI, […], Aravindhan S.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Vind hier meer informatie/studies over tomaten en chronische ziekten.

Tumornecrosefactor-alfa (TNF-α) is een inflammatoir cytokine dat verhoogd is bij hartfalen.

Dagelijks 400 mg vitamine C supplementen verbetert longfunctie van COPD patiënten


Hebben COPD patiënten baat bij het slikken van vitamine C supplementen?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 10 RCT’s met in totaal 487 deelnemers.

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat het slikken van 400 mg vitamine C supplementen per dag of hoger, het percentage geforceerde expiratoire volume in 1 seconde (FEV1%) bij COPD patiënten verbeterde [SMD = 1.08, 95% BI = 0.03 tot 2.12, p = 0.04].

De onderzoekers vonden dat het slikken van 400 mg vitamine C supplementen per dag of hoger, de FEV1/FVC verhouding bij COPD patiënten verbeterde [WMD = 0.66, 95% BI = 0.26 tot 1.06, p = 0.001].

De onderzoekers vonden dat het slikken van 400 mg vitamine C supplementen per dag of hoger, het serum vitamine C gehalte bij COPD patiënten verhoogde [SMD = 0.63, 95% BI = 0.02 tot 1.24, p = 0.04].

De onderzoekers vonden dat het slikken van 400 mg vitamine C supplementen per dag of hoger, het serum GSH gehalte bij COPD patiënten verhoogde [SMD = 2.47, 95% BI = 1.06 tot 3.89, p = 0.0006].

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het slikken van 400 mg vitamine C supplementen per dag of hoger, het serum gehalte aan antioxidanten, met name vitamine C en GSH verhoogde en de longfunctie, met name FEV1% en FEV1/FVC verbeterde van COPD patiënten.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Efficacy of Vitamin C Supplementation on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Lei T, Lu T, […], Liu J.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Vind hier meer informatie/studies over COPD en vitamine C.

Geforceerde expiratoire volume in 1 seconde (FEV1) of de éénsecondewaarde (ESW) is de maximale hoeveelheid lucht die u na een volledige inademing snel en geforceerd kunt uitademen in één seconde. Het is belangrijk om die FEV1 waarde te vergelijken met de “normale” waarde van een vergelijkbaar persoon (leeftijd, geslacht, grootte). Aan de hand daarvan kan de ernst van de luchtwegvernauwing geëvalueerd worden.

FVC of de geforceerde vitale capaciteit is de totale hoeveelheid lucht die na een volledige inademing maximaal kan worden uitgeademd.

Tiffeneau index of FEV1/FVC verhouding zegt iets over hoe open de luchtwegen staan. Normaal gesproken moet deze waarde groter dan 0.7 zijn. Bij een waarde onder 0.7 is er sprake van vernauwde luchtwegen.


Reumatoïde artritis


Hieronder vindt u wetenschappelijke studies (overzichtsartikelen) over de relatie tussen voeding en reumatoïde artritis:
Één zwaluw maakt nog geen zomer. Dus een énkele wetenschappelijke studie over een bepaald onderwerp zegt niet zoveel maar een overzichtsartikel (=een verzameling van wetenschappelijke studies over een bepaald onderwerp) van RCT's geeft wel antwoord op de volgende vraag:
”Is het zinvol om voedingssupplementen te slikken?”. Ja bij een positieve conclusie en nee bij een negatieve conclusie.

Één zwaluw maakt nog geen zomer. Dus een énkele wetenschappelijke studie over een bepaald onderwerp zegt niet zoveel maar een overzichtsartikel (=een verzameling van wetenschappelijke studies over een bepaald onderwerp) van (prospectieve) cohort studies of patiënt-controle studies geeft wel antwoord op de volgende vraag:
”Moet ik mijn voedingspatroon veranderen of niet?”.

  1. Vitamine E-supplementen verbeteren kwaliteit van leven van mensen met reumatoïde artritis


  • Reumatoïde artritis (RA) is een chronische aandoening, waarbij uw gewrichten ontstoken zijn.
  • In de volksmond wordt reumatoïde artritis vaak reuma genoemd. Maar dat klopt niet helemaal. Reuma is een verzamelnaam voor meer dan 100 verschillende gewrichtsaandoeningen. Reumatoïde artritis is daar een van.
  • Er bestaan een paar grote groepen van reuma:
    • artrose, de meest voorkomende vorm van reuma in Nederland. Artrose is aandoening van het kraakbeen en bot van de gewrichten. Het kraakbeen, dat zorgt voor soepele beweging, neemt af of verdwijnt helemaal.
    • auto-immuunziekten/ontstekingsreuma, zoals reumatoïde artritis en jicht. Ontstekingsreuma is en auto-immuunziekte waarbij het immuunsysteem gezonde cellen aanvalt, wat zorgt voor ontstekingen in de gewrichten.
    • osteoporose
    • weke delen-reuma. Weke delen-reuma zijn aandoeningen aan de spieren, pezen of slijmbeurzen. De bekendste vorm hiervan is fibromyalgie.
  • Reuma is onvoorspelbaar. Het is een grillige ziekte.
  • Ruim meer dan de helft van alle reumapatiënten is jonger dan 65 jaar.
  • Reumatoïde artritis ontstaat doordat uw lichaam afweerstoffen maakt tegen uw eigen gewrichten. Die afweerstoffen (antilichamen) gaan aan de binnenkant van uw gewrichten zitten. Ze zorgen daar voor een ontsteking.
    Reumatoïde artritis wordt daarom een auto-immuunziekte – uw afweersysteem keert zich tegen uw eigen lichaam – genoemd.
  • Reumamedicijnen heten DMARD's (disease modifying drugs). Ze zorgen ervoor dat uw gewrichten minder snel of niet beschadigen door de ontstekingen.
  • Bij reumatoïde artritis is de stijfheid ’s ochtends het ergst. Of na lang liggen of stilzitten.
  • Bij reumatoïde artritis heeft u meestal dezelfde klachten links en rechts.
  • Genoeg bewegen is belangrijk om uw gewrichten zo soepel mogelijk te houden.
  • Reumatoïde artritis kan sluipend beginnen of plotseling ontstaan.
  • Reumatoïde artritis is geen erfelijke ziekte. Wel komt reumatoïde artritis soms voor bij meerdere mensen uit één familie.
  • De exacte oorzaak van reumatoïde artritis is niet bekend.
  • Reumatoïde artritis komt op alle leeftijden voor. Vrouwen hebben vaker reumatoïde artritis dan mannen.
  • Omgevingsfactoren hebben invloed op het ontstaan van reumatoïde artritis. Zo hebben mensen die roken een grotere kans op het krijgen van reumatoïde artritis dan mensen die niet roken.
  • Reumatoïde artritis verloopt bij iedereen anders. Meestal wisselen periodes waarin u veel klachten hebt zich af met rustige periodes waarin u spontaan minder klachten krijgt.
  • Meer dan de helft van de mensen met reumatoïde artritis is 6 maanden na de start van de behandeling klachtenvrij. 


Vitamine E-supplementen verbeteren kwaliteit van leven van mensen met reumatoïde artritis


Hebben mensen met reumatoïde artritis (chronische gewrichtsreuma) baat bij het slikken van vitamine E supplementen?

Dit overzichtsartikel bevatte 9 RCT’s met in totaal 39845 patiënten. 

Resultaten en conclusies:
De onderzoekers vonden dat mensen met reumatoïde artritis met gevoelige gewrichten baat hadden bij het slikken van vitamine E supplementen [MD = -1.66, 95% BI = -6.32 tot -2.99, I2 = 93%, p 0.00001].

De onderzoekers vonden dat mensen met reumatoïde artritis met gezwollen gewrichten baat hadden bij het slikken van vitamine E supplementen [MD = -0.46, 95% BI = -1.98 tot -1.07, I2 = 56%,p = 0.08].

De onderzoekers concludeerden dat het vermogen van vitamine E om de darmbarrière te herstellen en het maagdarmkanaal te verbeteren, kan verband houden met de preventie en behandeling van reumatoïde artritis. Vitamine E-supplementen die regelmatig worden gebruikt, kunnen mensen met reumatoïde artritis helpen gewrichtspijn, oedeem en stijfheid te verminderen en hun algehele kwaliteit van leven te verbeteren.

Oorspronkelijke titel:
Effect of vitamin E supplementation in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Kou H, Qing Z, […], Ma J.


Extra informatie van El Mondo:
Vind hier meer informatie/studies over reuma, significant/RCT’s en vitamine E.